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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The L - it means people Review Essay Example
The L - it implies individuals Review Paper Paper on The L - it implies individuals Great day, youthful audience. In the portrayal of the book I was satisfied, truly satisfied with the expression: Sergei Lukyanenko name, which for every evident authority of Russian fiction needs no editorial, no view name that justifies itself with real evidence.. Everything is open. All sincerely. Everything is much the same as that. Yet, all together not to mislead the individuals who are simply starting nature with Russian fiction, I thought, would Chesney compose a survey of this book. Simply need to take note of that the creator never tried to make an individual picture of the legend. The most extreme that is various its Occupation. In most, all frightfully dull. No life. Strong feeling, and tenderness. Gracious no doubt, I overlooked, endless remaining over the individuals (in spite of the fact that the characters, on a fundamental level, similar to the creator himself, as is commonly said his words, considerations rather crude disclosures don't open and make unsurprising activities.), Which is extremely irritating for . The purpose behind determining the abovementioned We will compose a custom article test on The L - it implies individuals Review explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on The L - it implies individuals Review explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The L - it implies individuals Review explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The remainder of the characters are partitioned into acceptable and awful + steers, where great is consistently thoughtful and solid, awful detestable and solid, and of steers all the rest. Pricheom if the minor characters of the initial two sorts may differ, the dairy cattle steers and it is: frivolous, foolish, foolhardy, dim. Not comfortable buddy Lukyanenko so swarmed with individuals that it would likewise depict. All things considered, that is now on the individual peysatelya moved. As an end: the book fufel read just in the event that you are curious about the writers imagination and Labyrinth within reach isn't, well, or if crude devotees psevdopsihologii and for the most part any primitivization dixi ..
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Fashion Retail Management
Question: Talk about the Fashion Retail Management. Answer: Presentation The instance of Burberry not just feature the battle of an organization to develop which lost spotlight on its foundations however not to overlook the truly exceptional job of enduring official that turned the lights on for Burberry. As for the situation we watched a brand which lost the foundation of its business with the point of carry extravagance to the ubiquity state and that was time which carried misfortune to Burberry business. After the new CEO Angela stepped in, she saw that choice representatives of the organization were not advancing anything about Burberry as they don't claim anything under thing brand and as a CEO, she handily broke down the implicit truth about the business circumstance of the Burberry. Burberry had around 23 licenses under which various items were being sold far and wide however there was no emphasis on its center qualities territory Trench coats. Before all else, channel coats were its notorious wear yet now organization was not understanding anythin g on them. The main spotlight on cowhide products and humble extravagance attire didn't welcomed enough money on the financials of the Burberry. Re-creation of the any brand is the universe of rivalry isn't simple procedure since it includes a total refreshment of product offerings with the point of interfacing the items with the clients. Burberry was for the most part focusing on the opposition while to recover its image esteem, it ought to have encouraged its zones of solidarity. The instance of Burberry likewise featured that for all business expecting to exhibit themselves to be brand symbol need to adhere profoundly of their business. Each business start with something select and on the off chance that they push forward leaving the roots, it is about difficult to frame an organized brand regardless of what amount is the venture made. The recuperation plan procedures need to improve the best asset Burberry had it from base. Business specialists have confidence in the intensity o f development and according to business needs and objectives, in like manner establishment of methodologies ought to be the need. (Streams, 2013) Techniques Issues For Burberry, there were voluminous unsolved inquiries which need answers soon on the grounds that eventual fate of the business was in question and there was no procedure of rebound. The deals were exceptionally affected and questions were raised on the course of the business. Unnecessary cross examinations were about what Burberry was selling, to whom was selling and who they were contending. All business exercises are unique and the executives need to investigate to comprehend the dainty line distinction among basic and key issues. (Bridle, 2010) Major vital issues that activated business issues in Burberry are recognized as follows: Burberrys endeavors to be inescapable Though Burberry was introducing the substance of extravagance in the extravagance area which was developing in colossal manner, the organization didn't win well in light of the fact that in the endeavors of being available wherever on the planet, it was no more extravagance. Because of this, world class client base moved away from Burberry and budgetary circumstance was in question. There was around 23 licenses with Burberry and under those various licenses. Item being sold resembled Kilts, hound smoke screens, chains, etc. In spite of the fact that these items were bringing normal income for the business yet again these items were nonexclusive and not exceptionally selective. (Sherman, 2009).Consumer expectation is the high when items are elite and are accessible at explicit outlets or stores. Burberry was not putting forth attempts to be have chosen items and be at just acceptable land areas to upgrade on clients accessible on such areas. Burbe rry lost its appeal by having something for everybody and being at areas without first class swarm. In promoting situating of items is a pivotal thing. Not adhering profoundly business line-The matter of Burberry didn't appreciated numerous focal points notwithstanding its rich development history of channel coats. The center quality of the business was its notable wear channel covers however Burberry didnt underwrite it and in this manner lost its concentration from being an extravagance brand to something different that later didn't demonstrated productive. The significant resources of the organization were overlooked and benefits were low when contrasted with serious firms, for example, LVMH, PPR. At the point when organization was selling channel covers at first, they got well known in brief period. The texture of the channel coats was one of a kind and this was created at the Yorkshire office of Burberry yet both, this area just as the texture produce were disregarded and issues were welcomed. The one of a kind business line which was center of the business before long turned out to be extremely down and just contributed one-fi fth to the all out deals. The benefit of focal center was lost. It isn't constantly advantageous to go for all the more deserting the center. Possibilities of new pursuit need to investigate before the last move is taken. (Waite, 2002) Absence of one trait consistency-One of the remarkable component that each brand have is uniqueness of the items or administrations. For instance, Macdonald café will have the about same taste of burger and civility of the staff will be like each other regardless of which eatery you step in over the globe. Burberry didnt had same sort of consistency comparable to the items it was selling. Each time a client would visit stores of Burberry at various areas, the experience of each store was distinctive whether it be deals partner capacity, framework, and product offering, etc. This was a significant obstacle in the line of Burberry to be a brand. It isn't generally that clients will share same incentive over the globe there could be clashing perspectives so marking is an astute procedure and as well as can be expected be made basic is predominant quality. (Holt, Quelch and Taylor, 2004). Recuperation Plan Recuperation plan of Burberry was difficult true to form since some amazing choices were required and they made the street to better future more clear. There was have to think back to the roots and genuine issues were made sense of. Endeavors began to resuscitate the center quality of the business and later, this demonstrated commendable enough to be called as brand Burberry. The new CEO, Angela found a way to recapture focal point of the business and she remained by her vision of bringing back appeal which was lost. Angela made it sure that lead in the class of newcomers was caught. Regardless of whether the business is little or large, it don't make a difference since one need to vie for business coherence and there needs getting ready for the equivalent. Business progression is one thing on which recuperation plan is significant. (Lindros and Tittel, 2013). Steps actualized in recuperating the lost focal point of the business: Starting again from scratch Since we broke down that Burberry lost its center quality and focused distinctly on rivalry, presently was an ideal opportunity to get the fundamentals right. The Burberry top administration under the vision of Angela began the endeavors to take channel covers back to its product offering and present the come through settled showcasing effort. To fortify rich legacy of Burberry, the objective was set to put weight on progress of center extravagance items and everything in the business ought to identify with center of the business. Offer, Engage and Involve-The change was not be for the time being opportunities for Burberry and the board knew it. Angela had an unmistakable and large picture in her psyche and this image was tied in with carrying exceptional chances to the business. She passed on the message and affirmed that change creators of Burberry are through with what they are doing and how they will do. More or less, recuperation crucial exertion based vision was shared, individuals got drew in with the energy of the CEO and time was close to observe the normal outcomes. Acquiring Christopher Bailey was mindful move and all the results of the Burberry were gone through his eyes which were sharp with design. (Rose, 2015) Shaking choice of cutbacks and terminations was correct move-Closing manufacturing plants of New Jersey and Wales, individuals lost occupations and these all choices were never without discussions. Shutting not many outlets was must have venture to move towards marking of the business. Shutting the manufacturing plant which was just creating polo shirts was not a misfortune and the capital and HR were put resources into Castleford office to deliver the center items. Questions were raised by investors, government with the situation of the firm however everything was dealt with well by the CEO with her methodologies and restoration plan and we as a whole know, rest is history. Change in the corporate structure-The progressions made were sufficiently large and now was an ideal opportunity to mirror those progressions through set instrument. To do this, move was produced using Burberrys chronicled structure to new old style and it was essential on the grounds that new things pressed in old parcels will never be sold. There are constantly unique legitimate customs related with corporate structures of the business and a few criterias should be assessed. (Khwaja, 2013) A practical ability was recruited to fortify the retail exercises and sales reps were prepared. The objective of preparing was likewise to guarantee that sales reps don't disregard clients, not simply focus on selling ordinary items and the reason for preparing demonstrated commendable. Deals partners realize that selling a one of a kind item was path superior to investing amounts of energy on various planned things. Late Strategies Implemented After the restoration of Burberry and now as a brand, it see well that being stale in the style business will bring them back in threat, they previously managed. In business word, there is no assurance is regard to business sectors and its responses Highly gainful organizations can get dissolved if there are no back up procedures. (Toner, Ojha, Paepe and Melo, 2015) To oversee difficulties of the opposition and different variables, Burberry actualized following techniques to keep the force of development on and appreciate the advantages: Concentrate on product offering zones: Burberry have consistently accepted
Thursday, July 30, 2020
A hack, for cap ????
A hack, for cap ???? Avengers: Endgame opened the weekend before last, and with it, so did the new decoration of the MIT dome. Sometime late Saturday evening, or early Sunday morning (its always hard to tell with those who do their best work in the dark), hackers installed a Captain America shield on the roof of the Great Dome as an homage to the Marvel hero. Via the Globe: One of the jokesters â€" they cheekily call themselves “hackers†â€" reached by the Globe Sunday said dozens of people worked on the project for months, which they started planning about a year ago after learning a new Marvel movie was going to be released. Chris Evans, who plays Cap in the MCU (and is from the Boston suburb of Sudbury), seemed to appreciate the gesture. The Great Dome has long been a site of hacks, including tributes to Batman, LOTR, and R2D2. If youre unfamiliar with the MIT tradition of hacks, you can read more about the history here, and read blog posts about hacks here. No word yet on any hacks in honor of canonical MIT alumnus Tony Stark, whose fictional foundational speech in Civil War both paraphrases the MIT mission statement and mirrors the actually-existing Sandbox Innovation Fund. However, if I had to guess, well see one eventually Post Tagged #avengers #captain america #great dome #hacks #marvel #mcu
Friday, May 22, 2020
Power Factor - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 11 Words: 3402 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/09/20 Category Energy Industry Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Energy Essay Did you like this example? Power factor: The power factor of an AC electric power system is defined as the ratio of the real power flowing to the load to the apparent power, and is a dimensionless number between 0 and 1 (frequently expressed as a percentage, e. g. 0. 5 pf = 50% pf). Real power is the capacity of the circuit for performing work in a particular time. Apparent power is the product of the current and voltage of the circuit. Due to energy stored in the load and returned to the source, or due to a non-linear load that distorts the wave shape of the current drawn from the source, the apparent power will be greater than the real power. In an electric power system, a load with low power factor draws more current than a load with a high power factor for the same amount of useful power transferred. The higher currents increase the energy lost in the distribution system, and require larger wires and other equipment. Because of the costs of larger equipment and wasted energy, electrical utilitie s will usually charge a higher cost to industrial or commercial costumers where there is a low power factor Linear loads with low power factor (such as induction motors) can be corrected with a passive network of capacitors or inductors. Non-linear loads, such as rectifiers, distort the current drawn from the system. In such cases, active or passive power factor correction may be used to counteract the distortion and raise the power factor. The devices for correction of the power factor may be at a central substation, spread out over a distribution system, or built into power-consuming equipment. Contents †¢ 1 Power factor in linear circuits o 1. 1 Definition and calculation o 1. 2 Power factor correction of linear loads †¢ 2 Non-linear loads o 2. 1 Non-sinusoidal components o 2. 2 Switched-mode power supplies o 2. Power factor correction in non-linear loads ? 2. 3. 1 Passive PFC ? 2. 3. 2 Active PFC †¢ 3 Importance of power factor in distribution systems †¢ 4 Measuring power factor †¢ 5 Mnemonics †¢ 6 References †¢ 7 External links Power factor in linear circuits In a purely resistive AC circuit, voltage and current waveforms are in step (or in phase), changing polarity at the same instant in each cycle. All the power entering the loads is consumed. Where reactive loads are present, such as with capacitors or inductors, energy storage in the loads result in a time difference between the current and voltage waveforms. During each cycle of the AC voltage, extra energy, in addition to any energy consumed in the load, is temporarily stored in the load in electric or magnetic fields, and then returned to the power grid a fraction of a second later in the cycle. The ebb and flow of this nonproductive power increases the current in the line. Thus, a circuit with a low power factor will use higher currents to transfer a given quantity of real power than a circuit with a high power factor. A linear load does not change the shap e of the waveform of the current, but may change the relative timing (phase) between voltage and current. Circuits containing purely resistive heating elements (filament lamps, strip heaters, cooking stoves, etc. ) have a power factor of 1. 0. Circuits containing inductive or capacitive elements (electric motors, solenoid valves, lamp ballasts, and others) often have a power factor below 1. 0. Definition and calculation AC power flow has the three components: real power (Active power) (P), measured in watts (W); apparent power (S), measured in volt-amperes (VA); and reactive power (Q), measured in reactive volt-amperes (var). The power factor is defined as: [pic] In the case of a perfectly sinusoidal waveform, P, Q and S can be expressed as vectors that form a vector triangle such that: [pic] If ? is the phase angle between the current and voltage, then the power factor is equal to the cosine of the angle, [pic], and: [pic] Since the units are consistent, the power factor is b y definition a dimensionless number between 0 and 1. When power factor is equal to 0, the energy flow is entirely reactive, and stored energy in the load returns to the source on each cycle. When the power factor is 1, all the energy supplied by the source is consumed by the load. Power factors are usually stated as leading or lagging to show the sign of the phase angle. If a purely resistive load is connected to a power supply, current and voltage will change polarity in step, the power factor will be unity (1), and the electrical energy flows in a single direction across the network in each cycle. Inductive loads such as transformers and motors (any type of wound coil) consume reactive power with current waveform lagging the voltage. Capacitive loads such as capacitor banks or buried cable generate reactive power with current phase leading the voltage. Both types of loads will absorb energy during part of the AC cycle, which is stored in the devices magnetic or electric fiel d, only to return this energy back to the source during the rest of the cycle. For example, to get 1 kW of real power, if the power factor is unity, 1 kVA of apparent power needs to be transferred (1 kW ? 1 = 1 kVA). At low values of power factor, more apparent power needs to be transferred to get the same real power. To get 1 kW of real power at 0. power factor, 5 kVA of apparent power needs to be transferred (1 kW ? 0. 2 = 5 kVA). This apparent power must be produced and transmitted to the load in the conventional fashion, and is subject to the usual distributed losses in the production and transmission processes. Electrical loads consuming alternating current power consume both real power and reactive power. The vector sum of real and reactive power is the apparent power. The presence of reactive power causes the real power to be less than the apparent power, and so, the electric load has a power factor of less than 1. Power factor correction of linear loads It is often desirable to adjust the power factor of a system to near 1. 0. This power factor correction (PFC) is achieved by switching in or out banks of inductors or capacitors. For example the inductive effect of motor loads may be offset by locally connected capacitors. When reactive elements supply or absorb reactive power near the load, the apparent power is reduced. Power factor correction may be applied by an electrical power transmission utility to improve the stability and efficiency of the transmission network. Correction equipment may be installed by individual electrical customers to reduce the costs charged to them by their electricity supplier. A high power factor is generally desirable in a transmission system to reduce transmission losses and improve voltage regulation at the load. Power factor correction brings the power factor of an AC power circuit closer to 1 by supplying reactive power of opposite sign, adding capacitors or inductors which act to cancel the inductive or capacitive effects of the load, respectively. For example, the inductive effect of motor loads may be offset by locally connected capacitors. If a load had a capacitive value, inductors (also known as reactors in this context) are connected to correct the power factor. In the electricity industry, inductors are said to consume reactive power and capacitors are said to supply it, even though the reactive power is actually just moving back and forth on each AC cycle. The reactive elements can create voltage fluctuations and harmonic noise when switched on or off. They will supply or sink reactive power regardless of whether there is a corresponding load operating nearby, increasing the systems no-load losses. In a worst case, reactive elements can interact with the system and with each other to create resonant conditions, resulting in system instability and severe overvoltage fluctuations. As such, reactive elements cannot simply be applied at will, and power f actor correction is normally subject to engineering analysis. 1. Reactive Power Control Relay; 2. Network connection points; 3. Slow-blow Fuses; 4. Inrush Limiting Contactors; 5. Capacitors (single-phase or three-phase units, delta-connection); 6. Transformer Suitable voltage transformation to suit control power (contactors, ventilation, ) An automatic power factor correction unit is used to improve power factor. A power factor correction unit usually consists of a number of capacitors that are switched by means of contactors. These contactors are controlled by a regulator that measures power factor in an electrical network. To be able to measure power factor, the regulator uses a current transformer to measure the current in one phase. Depending on the load and power factor of the network, the power factor controller will switch the necessary blocks of capacitors in steps to make sure the power factor stays above a selected value (usually demanded by the energy supplier), say 0. 9. Instead of using a set of switched capacitors, an unloaded synchronous motor can supply reactive power. The reactive power drawn by the synchronous motor is a function of its field excitation. This is referred to as a synchronous condenser. It is started and connected to the electrical network. It operates at a leading power factor and puts vars onto the network as required to support a system’s voltage or to maintain the system power factor at a specified level. The condenser’s installation and operation are identical to large electric motors. Its principal advantage is the ease with which the amount of correction can be adjusted; it behaves like an electrically variable capacitor. Unlike capacitors, the amount of reactive power supplied is proportional to voltage, not the square of voltage; this improves voltage stability on large networks. Synchronous condensers are often used in connection with high voltage direct current transmission projects or in la rge industrial plants such as steel mills. Non-linear loads A non-linear load on a power system is typically a rectifier (such as used in a power supply), or some kind of arc discharge device such as a fluorescent lamp, electric welding machine, or arc furnace. Because current in these systems is interrupted by a switching action, the current contains frequency components that are multiples of the power system frequency. Distortion power factor is a measure of how much the harmonic distortion of a load current decreases the average power transferred to the load. Non-sinusoidal components Non-linear loads change the shape of the current waveform from a sine wave to some other form. Non-linear loads create harmonic currents in addition to the original (fundamental frequency) AC current. Filters consisting of linear capacitors and inductors can prevent harmonic currents from entering the supplying system. In linear circuits having only sinusoidal currents and voltages of one freq uency, the power factor arises only from the difference in phase between the current and voltage. This is displacement power factor. The concept can be generalized to a total, distortion, or true power factor where the apparent power includes all harmonic components. This is of importance in practical power systems which contain non-linear loads such as rectifiers, some forms of electric lighting, electric arc furnaces, welding equipment, switched-mode power supplies and other devices. A typical multimeter will give incorrect results when attempting to measure the AC current drawn by a non-sinusoidal load; the instruments sense the average value of a rectified waveform. The average response is then calibrated to the effective, RMS value. An RMS sensing multimeter must be used to measure the actual RMS currents and voltages (and therefore apparent power). To measure the real power or reactive power, a wattmeter designed to work properly with non-sinusoidal currents must be used. S witched-mode power supplies A particularly important class of non-linear loads is the millions of personal computers that typically incorporate switched-mode power supplies (SMPS) with rated output power ranging from a few watts to more than 1 kW. Historically, these very-low-cost power supplies incorporated a simple full-wave rectifier that conducted only when the mains instantaneous voltage exceeded the voltage on the input capacitors. This leads to very high ratios of peak-to-average input current, which also lead to a low distortion power factor and potentially serious phase and neutral loading concerns. A typical switched-mode power supply first makes a DC bus, using a bridge rectifier or similar circuit. The output voltage is then derived from this DC bus. The problem with this is that the rectifier is a non-linear device, so the input current is highly non-linear. That means that the input current has energy at harmonics of the frequency of the voltage. This presents a particular problem for the power companies, because they cannot compensate for the harmonic current by adding simple capacitors or inductors, as they could for the reactive power drawn by a linear load. Many jurisdictions are beginning to legally require power factor correction for all power supplies above a certain power level. Regulatory agencies such as the EU have set harmonic limits as a method of improving power factor. Declining component cost has hastened implementation of two different methods. To comply with current EU standard EN61000-3-2, all switched-mode power supplies with output power more than 75 W must include passive PFC, at least. 80 PLUS power supply certification requires a power factor of 0. 9 or more. Power factor correction in non-linear loads Passive PFC The simplest way to control the harmonic current is to use a filter: it is possible to design a filter that passes current only at line frequency (e. g. 50 or 60 Hz). This filter reduces the harmon ic current, which means that the non-linear device now looks like a linear load. At this point the power factor can be brought to near unity, using capacitors or inductors as required. This filter requires large-value high-current inductors, however, which are bulky and expensive. A passive PFC requires an inductor larger than the inductor in an active PFC, but costs less. This is a simple way of correcting the nonlinearity of a load by using capacitor banks. It is not as effective as active PFC. Passive PFCs are typically more power efficient than active PFCs. Efficiency is not to be confused with the PFC, though many computer hardware reviews conflate them. A passive PFC on a switching computer PSU has a typical power efficiency of around 96%, while an active PFC has a typical efficiency of about 94%. Active PFC An active power factor corrector (active PFC) is a power electronic system that controls the amount of power drawn by a load in order to obtain a power factor as close as possible to unity. In most applications, the active PFC controls the input current of the load so that the current waveform is proportional to the mains voltage waveform (a sine wave). The purpose of making the power factor as close to unity (1) as possible is to make the load circuitry that is power factor corrected appear purely resistive (apparent power equal to real power). In this case, the voltage and current are in phase and the reactive power consumption is zero. This enables the most efficient delivery of electrical power from the power company to the consumer Some types of active PFC are: †¢ Boost †¢ Buck †¢ Buck-boost Active power factor correctors can be single-stage or multi-stage. In the case of a switched-mode power supply, a boost converter is inserted between the bridge rectifier and the main input capacitors. The boost converter attempts to maintain a constant DC bus voltage on its output while drawing a current that is always in phase with and at the same frequency as the line voltage. Another switchmode converter inside the power supply produces the desired output voltage from the DC bus. This approach requires additional semiconductor switches and control electronics, but permits cheaper and smaller passive components. It is frequently used in practice. For example, SMPS with passive PFC can achieve power factor of about 0. 7–0. 75, SMPS with active PFC, up to 0. 99 power factor, while a SMPS without any power factor correction has a power factor of only about 0. 55–0. 65. Due to their very wide input voltage range, many power supplies with active PFC can automatically adjust to operate on AC power from about 100 V (Japan) to 230 V (Europe). That feature is particularly welcome in power supplies for laptops. Importance of power factor in distribution systems The significance of power factor lies in the fact that utility companies supply customers with volt-amperes, but bill them for watts. Power factors below 1. 0 require a utility to generate more than the minimum volt-amperes necessary to supply the real power (watts). This increases generation and transmission costs. For example, if the load power factor were as low as 0. 7, the apparent power would be 1. 4 times the real power used by the load. Line current in the circuit would also be 1. 4 times the current required at 1. 0 power factor, so the losses in the circuit would be doubled (since they are proportional to the square of the current). Alternatively all components of the system such as generators, conductors, transformers, and switchgear would be increased in size (and cost) to carry the extra current. Utilities typically charge additional costs to customers who have a power factor below some limit, which is typically 0. 9 to 0. 95. Engineers are often interested in the power factor of a load as one of the factors that affect the efficiency of power transmission. With the rising cost of energy and concerns ove r the efficient delivery of power, active PFC has become more common in consumer electronics. Current Energy Star guidelines for computers (ENERGY STAR ® Program Requirements for Computers Version 5. 0) call for a power factor of ? 0. 9 at 100% of rated output in the PCs power supply. According to a white paper authored by Intel and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency? , PCs with internal power supplies will require the use of active power factor correction to meet the ENERGY STAR ® 5. 0 Program Requirements for Computers. [17] In Europe, IEC 555-2 requires power factor correction be incorporated into consumer products. Measuring power factor Power factor in a single-phase circuit (or balanced three-phase circuit) can be measured with the wattmeter-ammeter-voltmeter method, where the power in watts is divided by the product of measured voltage and current. The power factor of a balanced polyphase circuit is the same as that of any phase. The power factor of an unbala nced polyphase circuit is not uniquely defined. A direct reading power factor meter can be made with a moving coil meter of the electrodynamic type, carrying two perpendicular coils on the moving part of the instrument. The field of the instrument is energized by the circuit current flow. The two moving coils, A and B, are connected in parallel with the circuit load. One coil, A, will be connected through a resistor and the second coil, B, through an inductor, so that the current in coil B is delayed with respect to current in A. At unity power factor, the current in A is in phase with the circuit current, and coil A provides maximum torque, driving the instrument pointer toward the 1. 0 mark on the scale. At zero power factor, the current in coil B is in phase with circuit current, and coil B provides torque to drive the pointer towards 0. At intermediate values of power factor, the torques provided by the two coils add and the pointer takes up intermediate positions. Another electromechanical instrument is the polarized-vane type. In this instrument a stationary field coil produces a rotating magnetic field, just like a polyphase motor. The field coils are connected either directly to polyphase voltage sources or to a phase-shifting reactor if a single-phase application. A second stationary field coil, perpendicular to the voltage coils, carries a current proportional to current in one phase of the circuit. The moving system of the instrument consists of two vanes which are magnetized by the current coil. In operation the moving vanes take up a physical angle equivalent to the electrical angle between the voltage source and the current source. This type of instrument can be made to register for currents in both directions, giving a 4-quadrant display of power factor or phase angle. Digital instruments can be made that either directly measure the time lag between voltage and current waveforms and so calculate the power factor, or by measuring both tr ue and apparent power in the circuit and calculating the quotient. The first method is only accurate if voltage and current are sinusoidal; loads such as rectifiers distort the waveforms from the sinusoidal shape. Mnemonics English-language power engineering students are advised to remember: ELI the ICE man or ELI on ICE – the voltage E leads the current I in an inductor L, the current leads the voltage in a capacitor C. Or CIVIL – in a capacitor(C) the current (I) leads voltage (V), voltage (V) leads current (I) in an inductor (L). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Power Factor" essay for you Create order
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Buying Best Presentation Topics for Students
Buying Best Presentation Topics for Students Social networking comments should be guarded by free speech. For instance, if you can't boast of being a strong writer, you will come to learn how to write any sort of essay if you practice writing on a normal basis. With the experience our writers have, they can let you select the best examples to use in your presentation. Only writers that are interested in your topic place will place a bid that will help you. Top Best Presentation Topics for Students Secrets Becoming professional and informative does not mean that you can't be fun! It's quite normal to be asked a few questions, especially in the event that you deliver a prosperous demonstration. You should repeat the key ideas throughout your presentation so the critical points stick! Speak to Your Teacher Your professors may provide you with a few special presentation ideas if you seek their help simultaneously. The Ugly Secret of Best Presentation Topics for Students You have to do what you can to make a huge effect on your audience and make sure that they will retain all of the info you presented to them. The U.S. government should offer internet service for each citizen. For instance, let's say you're giving a presentation to a possible client on the significance of content marketing and how you consultation services can develop the ideal on-line content advertising program. You can select any of the suggested topics to produce an intriguing college presentation. America should not offer foreign aid to other nations. It should act now to protect the quality of drinking water. Mixed martial arts ought to be banned. Year-round education isn't a great idea for student learning. All students ought to be asked to perform one particular year of community services. Some students might also have children that enjoy sports! If you buy an opportunity to deliver a business presentation, you can pick a topic from the list given below. A 1 hour essay deadline may be a true problem, if you're not good enough at writing and expressing your ideas on a topic you aren't really interested in. If for educational purposes you select a provocative topic, make sure it opens a discussion and doesn't pass a verdict against a particular community. It is always advised to select decent presentation topics that will excite and draw the interest of your audience. If you've got thorough grasp of the topic, then you can readily present your points to your audience via your presentation. In case the topic is too simplistic, their growing feeling of awareness could possibly be stunted. You may also ask your audience to talk about their private experience with your topic. The audience should understand and make a mental picture of this issue or message immediately. Deciding upon the right topic is the toughest task about creating a presentation. It isn't hard to choose the topic. The topic needs to be simple to illustrate. Your topic ought to be relevant to the academic path of material you're studying. If you've got little if any skills on the very same, you might jeopardize your career targets. Many speaking coaches advise that you eliminate slides altogether. Frequently, academic presentations are thought to be oral examinations. If you're a student with a desire to turn your presentation as interesting as possible, then you have to work on the presentation ideas you've got. You've been requested to provide a presentation. Get Help From a Professional If you truly need to receive your sales presentations right, think about bringing in an expert presentation agency that will help you. If you compose the PowerPoint presentations by yourself, make sure to request professional support in refining your final copy. A variety of topic choices can pose to be a true challenge and might call for lots of time for the selection approach. There are a great deal of great choices there when you're searching for songs for in-class pursuits. A great idea is to learn some impressive techniques from public speaking in order to create a relation to the audience. As you communicate your ideas throughout the audience, you have to be aware the ideal time to generate a joke or utilize humor.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Technology and Modern Communication Technologies Free Essays
Modern communication technologies such as mobile phones, e-mails and internet chat programs like the MSN Messenger have brought significant changes to our lives in recent years. Yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this innovation has been positive or negative. Although there are valid arguments to the contrary, it is my belief that the majority of people in the globe have benefited greatly from these powerful and effective means of modern communication. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology and Modern Communication Technologies or any similar topic only for you Order Now To begin with, mobile phones and other tools of modern communication facilitate not only contact with friends and relatives in faraway places but also global business. With the click of a button, the vast amount of information can be transmitted from America to China in just a few seconds. Furthermore, it is generally felt that the access to these tools of communication is available in every corner of the world. With a mobile phone or a laptop, a person can talk or send messages online at a bus stop, in a corner shop or anywhere they could imagine. Therefore, it seems that these new forms of communication do bring a great deal of convenience to humankind. Nevertheless, opponents of modern communications claim that only the more privileged are able to enjoy the benefits. They further point out that the wide spread use of these efficient and effective ways of communication costs a considerable amount of money. Anyone who aims to use these innovations have to not only pay for the appliances such as a mobile phone or a computer but also cover up costs for communication services. Consequently, people who live in poverty are less likely to be benefited from modern communication technologies. By way of conclusion, I believe that modern communication technologies will benefit more people in the future as the pace of life increases; however, the have-nots cannot be ignored simply because they couldn’t afford it. Modern technology has increased material wealth but not happiness To what extend do you agree / disagree with the statement? According to recent statistics, the number of people who are stressed by the influence of a modern lifestyle is increasing. While having to suffer quick developments in advanced technology, people are always busy at work. Undeniably, modern technology makes people’s standard of living higher, however, I am convinced that people will not be happy while they live in a modern society with modern technology all around them. First, technological advances, resulting in increased degrees of industrialisation, have changed a lot of things in society, therefore, people living in that society have to suffer influences of these big changes, e. . , instead of working for eight hours a day and spending time with their families or going out to enjoy chatting over coffee with friends, people must be in their office and do a lot of work, maybe ten working hours per day, even they have to take works to do at home and their meals are always fast food. Do you think is that a happy life? Moreover, modern technology makes people’s life boring, after working time people often sit by their computer to play games o r reading some information on internet. That means they do not refresh their mind and by accident they turn their own into slave of modern technology. In fact, a lot of teenage get stuck in their lives, they think that there is nothing to learn and to enjoy because they know everything thanks to technological advances, thus, they choose the death for their solution. For all above reasons, I thoroughly believe that modern technology can not decide the happiness, it has improved people’s standard of living but not happiness. How to cite Technology and Modern Communication Technologies, Essays
Technology and Modern Communication Technologies Free Essays
Modern communication technologies such as mobile phones, e-mails and internet chat programs like the MSN Messenger have brought significant changes to our lives in recent years. Yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall effect of this innovation has been positive or negative. Although there are valid arguments to the contrary, it is my belief that the majority of people in the globe have benefited greatly from these powerful and effective means of modern communication. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology and Modern Communication Technologies or any similar topic only for you Order Now To begin with, mobile phones and other tools of modern communication facilitate not only contact with friends and relatives in faraway places but also global business. With the click of a button, the vast amount of information can be transmitted from America to China in just a few seconds. Furthermore, it is generally felt that the access to these tools of communication is available in every corner of the world. With a mobile phone or a laptop, a person can talk or send messages online at a bus stop, in a corner shop or anywhere they could imagine. Therefore, it seems that these new forms of communication do bring a great deal of convenience to humankind. Nevertheless, opponents of modern communications claim that only the more privileged are able to enjoy the benefits. They further point out that the wide spread use of these efficient and effective ways of communication costs a considerable amount of money. Anyone who aims to use these innovations have to not only pay for the appliances such as a mobile phone or a computer but also cover up costs for communication services. Consequently, people who live in poverty are less likely to be benefited from modern communication technologies. By way of conclusion, I believe that modern communication technologies will benefit more people in the future as the pace of life increases; however, the have-nots cannot be ignored simply because they couldn’t afford it. Modern technology has increased material wealth but not happiness To what extend do you agree / disagree with the statement? According to recent statistics, the number of people who are stressed by the influence of a modern lifestyle is increasing. While having to suffer quick developments in advanced technology, people are always busy at work. Undeniably, modern technology makes people’s standard of living higher, however, I am convinced that people will not be happy while they live in a modern society with modern technology all around them. First, technological advances, resulting in increased degrees of industrialisation, have changed a lot of things in society, therefore, people living in that society have to suffer influences of these big changes, e. . , instead of working for eight hours a day and spending time with their families or going out to enjoy chatting over coffee with friends, people must be in their office and do a lot of work, maybe ten working hours per day, even they have to take works to do at home and their meals are always fast food. Do you think is that a happy life? Moreover, modern technology makes people’s life boring, after working time people often sit by their computer to play games o r reading some information on internet. That means they do not refresh their mind and by accident they turn their own into slave of modern technology. In fact, a lot of teenage get stuck in their lives, they think that there is nothing to learn and to enjoy because they know everything thanks to technological advances, thus, they choose the death for their solution. For all above reasons, I thoroughly believe that modern technology can not decide the happiness, it has improved people’s standard of living but not happiness. How to cite Technology and Modern Communication Technologies, Essays
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