Friday, March 20, 2020
Free Essays on Premature Birth
A baby is considered born prematurely if he/she is born more than 3 weeks before his/her due date. About 10% of babies will arrive early. One in eight women will give birth too early-before 37 weeks of pregnancy. The one thing about premature babies is that they have had less time to fully develop and mature in the womb. Preemies are more often at an increased risk of medical and developmental problems and one of the biggest is underdeveloped lungs. If you go into labor early, your doctor will try to delay your baby’s birth. The longer the baby stays in the womb it is giving your baby’s lungs a better chance of becoming more mature. The outlook for premature infants has improved dramatically in recent years. Babies now born as early as 23 weeks now have a good survival chance because of the great advances that has been made for the care of premature infants. We all know that it is best for a baby to stay in the womb for as long as possible to being full term, but being able to recognize the signs of premature labor may help you prevent your baby from being born too soon. The following signs and symptoms can occur as early as four months before you are due to delivery: * regular contractions of your uterus * light vaginal spotting or bleeding * menstrual type or abdominal cramps * low dull back pain * watery discharge from your vagina, this may be amniotic fluid, if so then it is a sign that the membranes around your baby have ruptured * a feeling of pressure in your pelvis as if your baby is pressing down If you at all suspect your in premature labor but yet you have not had a watery discharge, drink two or three glasses of water and then lie down on your left side. This will help improve the circulation to your uterus. About half of the women who go into labor early do so for unkown reasons or you may also have a medical condition that will contribute to the onset of early labor. Some of... Free Essays on Premature Birth Free Essays on Premature Birth A baby is considered born prematurely if he/she is born more than 3 weeks before his/her due date. About 10% of babies will arrive early. One in eight women will give birth too early-before 37 weeks of pregnancy. The one thing about premature babies is that they have had less time to fully develop and mature in the womb. Preemies are more often at an increased risk of medical and developmental problems and one of the biggest is underdeveloped lungs. If you go into labor early, your doctor will try to delay your baby’s birth. The longer the baby stays in the womb it is giving your baby’s lungs a better chance of becoming more mature. The outlook for premature infants has improved dramatically in recent years. Babies now born as early as 23 weeks now have a good survival chance because of the great advances that has been made for the care of premature infants. We all know that it is best for a baby to stay in the womb for as long as possible to being full term, but being able to recognize the signs of premature labor may help you prevent your baby from being born too soon. The following signs and symptoms can occur as early as four months before you are due to delivery: * regular contractions of your uterus * light vaginal spotting or bleeding * menstrual type or abdominal cramps * low dull back pain * watery discharge from your vagina, this may be amniotic fluid, if so then it is a sign that the membranes around your baby have ruptured * a feeling of pressure in your pelvis as if your baby is pressing down If you at all suspect your in premature labor but yet you have not had a watery discharge, drink two or three glasses of water and then lie down on your left side. This will help improve the circulation to your uterus. About half of the women who go into labor early do so for unkown reasons or you may also have a medical condition that will contribute to the onset of early labor. Some of...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Is Trucking the Best Job for You
Is Trucking the Best Job for You Do you ever fantasize about quitting your job and finding a career on the open road, with just your thoughts and the radio to keep you company? If so, you’re not alone- and it may not be as far-fetched a career plan as you might think. Growing OpportunitiesMuch of the U.S. economy depends on goods finding their way to warehouses and stores all over the country- and in many cases, those goods are transported by long-haul tractor-trailer truck drivers. Fast delivery is becoming a major selling point for online retailers like Amazon and big-box stores like Wal-Mart and Target, which makes professional truckers an important part of satisfying customer expectations.Truck drivers are a crucial part of an ever-expanding supply chain: by 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the demand for heavy and tractor-trailer drivers will grow by as much as 11%.The LegworkThere are hurdles to a career in trucking- as tempting as it sounds, you can’t just show up, stan dard driver’s license in hand, and expect to drive a big rig to Ohio. All states require a specific Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) to operate heavy trucks and tractor-trailers. Additionally, most trucking companies require a high school degree and completion of a professional truck-driving training program.There are also personal considerations. Are you willing to be away from home for days or weeks at a time? Do you have the time-management skills to meet rigorous delivery schedules in all weather, on holidays, or on your birthday? Being a truck driver requires a strong personal commitment as well as a professional one.Hitting the RoadLet’s say you’ve met all these requirements, made the necessary choices, and received the right training and recommendations. You’re ready to pack up your faithful dog and your toothbrush, and seek a trucking job. What’s the best way to do that?You may want to start by researching which trucking companies m eet your goals and your comfort level. Regional trucking companies may be able to offer you jobs closer to home. National trucking companies tend to have the broadest reach and the most access to available trucking jobs.You should also consider whether the company will hire a rookie driver right out of the gate- many companies want their new drivers to have 3 months to a year of driving time before they’ll consider hiring. This may sound discouraging to start (how do I get experience if no one will hire me without experience?), but it’s common in most career paths to start at the bottom by creating/locating opportunities and working your way up.The Money QuestionPerhaps the most important part of any job search is understanding what your salary will be- and can be. Like other fields, trucking offers its lowest salaries to drivers just starting out, especially if you don’t have the driving experience yet. However, you should know that while many industries have a wide gap between starting employees and long-time veterans, truck drivers have a pretty even field once you’re in it.The average starting pay for a truck driver is $13.81/hour, compared to an average of $18.37/hour (approximately $38,200/year) for all drivers. This kind of parity is often a reason people choose to get started in the trucking industry- your pay is not significantly less than more experienced colleagues’.If you’re seeking a career that can be challenging and fulfilling while paying the bills and letting you travel, trucking could just be the right choice for you. And if you have the ability to find Zen even in the most obnoxious traffic jams, all the better!
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