Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Essay
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners - Essay Example The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners describes the elements of fraud as a triangle. The three legs of the triangle are an opportunity, motivation, and rationalization. The company y in question is a local one, and for purposes of the report, referred to as ABC Company. Reference to the employees is by their job titles to safeguard their identity. The company was an agency in San Antonio. It took inbound and outbound calls for several companies such as Southwestern Bell, Sears, Montgomery Wards, customers’ service call for credit card companies, and from the infomercials currently on TV. The company had a large turnover because the employees needed to meet quotas daily in order for them to receive their incentive pay. If the branch made the quota, the branch manager would get a weekly bonus. The company had two payroll departments, one for inbound employees and another for outbound employees. Some quick background on its outbound payroll department showed that ABC Company had a large payroll department that consisted of thirty people in 2000. It also paid out in 15 different locations, from San Antonio, Texas to Mobile, Alabama. The largest locations for the outbound payroll department were San Antonio and Universal City located in Texas. Some teams in the payroll department consisted of a minimum of two people a maximu m of five. Each team reported to a supervisor, who would report to the assistant director, who in turn reported to the director of the department. Some employees were cross-trained so that in the absence of one employee, any other employee would cover the position. 2. Verification specialist - verified data entered into the system and made sure all documents were in payroll files and set up correctly to reflect location and pay. This person entered all information into ADP for all company codes.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Regulation of Solicitors' Trust Accounts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Regulation of Solicitors' Trust Accounts - Essay Example Summary of the Acts Section 3.3of both the Acts deals with â€Å"trust money and trust accounts†. This session involves several regulatory measures that would secure consumers’ interests in the legal service market. The Acts contain the provision for suspending stated operations associated with the solicitors’ trust accounts. They require solicitors to maintain a general trust account and accurate trust records, and present them before an eternal examiner for cross checking. The main intention of this provision is to increase the reliability of trust accounts and thereby secure consumer confidence. The Acts have also defined a set of condition for closing a general trust account. As per the provision, a law practitioner has the responsibility to deposit the trust money in the general trust account at the earliest possibility. The Legal Professional Act 2007 clearly states that disbursement of trust money must be under the direction given by the particular person. This provision will ensure that trust money is safe under the custody of solicitor until the time of disbursement. The Legal Profession Regulation Act 2007 The Legal Profession Regulation Act 2007 describes different aspects of keeping trust account receipts and payments book. This Act specifically directs solicitors to keep separate trust accounts receipts cash book and trust accounts payment cash book. Part 3.3(29) of the Legal Profession Regulation Act 2007 has clearly defined trust record copies to be printed at the end of particular periods. Mainly receipts and payments cash book, reconciliation statements, and trust ledger accounts and their balances have to be printed. In addition, section 37 of this Act holds provisions for secure withdrawal of trust money from a general trust account. This provision also adds value to consumer confidence, because it prevents deceitful withdrawal of trust money (Legal Profession Regulation Act 2007). Similarly, section 38 deals with payment of trust money through electronic fund transfer. It is one of the major provisions of the Act that secures consumer confidence to a great extent because probability of fraud is higher in electronic fund transfer. Section 42 directs solicitors to systematically record various transactions in trust ledger accounts as this method will be effective to distinguish between trust accounts of different clients. The Regulation Act also specifies journal transfer principles regarding transfer of trust money from a general trust account to another. It also insists to provide necessary and timely notifications to concerned beneficiaries. In addition, it is mandatory to issue trust account statements to the beneficiaries of the trust money. This type of provision helps consumers to keep in frequent touch with their account transactions. The regulation of solicitors’ trust account would assist consumers to ensure that their money is not misused for the benefit of third parties. According to the perception of Queensland Law Society (n.d), the strict regulation measure would prevent any type of unfair practice related with trust accounts. The most attractive feature of these Acts is that consumers are allowed to get informed of their account status. The Legal Profession Act 2007 The Legal Profession Act 2007 specifically states that the trust accounts should not be used for paying off any type of debt. This
Sunday, October 27, 2019
To the Unknown Painter, Anselm Kiefer
To the Unknown Painter, Anselm Kiefer To the Unknown Painter, a painting made of oil, acrylic, latex, emulsion, and shellac, was created by Anselm Kiefer in 1983 (Figure 1). A palette adorned upon a pedestal sits in a vacated space surrounded by tattered columns while casket-like shapes seem to lay on the ground around the pedestal. Dark colors envelope the horizon while reds, browns, and whites color the columns. The palette sits directly in the center, almost unrecognizable, with a thin pedestal that matches the dark blue and black of the horizon. Straw is stuck on with a planned randomicity, giving it a scratchy and messy look. Although the area is physically empty, it is filled with Kiefers own victimhood and memories of traumatic events during Nazi Germany[1] Empty interiors of Nazi architecture, specifically referring to the courtyard of Hitlers Chancellery in Berlin designed by Speer, are used as a space for traumatic memories that will not be mourned or a space of internalization. Kiefer, a German himself, was born shortly before the Holocaust ended, so he did not experience much of the horrors many people lived through. The walls of columns suggest the Nazis and German rule keeping hidden the actions they had committed against millions of victims. Whereas the palette represents himself, a painter, who is stuck among the past and judgments of the present. The messy and scratchy texture simulates how Nazis would destroy artwork that were not in agreement with the German power. The painting speaks towards not only about himself, but towards the Germans and the Jewish. The empty space holds a memorial for traumatic memories of the Holocaust. Suspended in the center, the palette mounted on a pedestal becomes a memorial for Kiefers own sense of victimhood[2]. The palette, representing the victim, appears to look like it is trying to rise above the past and move on from those horrific events. Because he is German, he imagines himself as the victim of a burdensome historical legacy, unable to be unselfconsciously German because of the judgements passed on from others[3]. The painting brings people to the attention that not only what had happened was horrible, they shouldnt continuously badly judge and criticize current Germans who had no control of their ancestors choices. While the palette is reminiscent of a helmet resting upon a gun, it relates to a fallen soldier in a battle. Memorializing his life and what he went through. The battered architecture brings us back to remember that it is also a painting as well as a representation of memories being held within the space. Although the space seems to hold memories, the columns seem to be breaking and letting the memories go so they can be mourned and remembered instead of being repressed. The architecture reaches to the back with a one point perspective as if it is reaching towards the past. There could be two different interpretations from the painting from two different audiences, the Jewish and the Germans, or himself. The Jewish could interpret this as a way to memorialize the victims during the Holocaust, those who died because of German power. Casket-like shapes on the ground could represent these victims. Kiefer made a problematic claim that he and other Germans are victims as well because of the claims that they are still like theyre ancestors, so they will continue to carry around the burden of being German. The painting brings the attention of more about the scene of repression and how people shouldnt hold in the memories and be able to mourn them and let them go. Kiefer painted this along with a few others in a series, one of which is Tomb of the Unknown Painter. Doing research, this painting and To the Unknown Painter both came up when trying to find information, although more sources were available for this one[4]. Both of the paintings are similar in that they both use the same materials and contain a scratchy texture, attained with straw. Instead of a palette on a pedestal, a tomb sits upon stairs within a similar looking space. They represent similar things, traumatic events and a memorialization of those victims. The colors are dark, representing the dark past, mixed with strokes of bright colors such as red and yellow. Overall, Kiefer displays a controversial topic about the German victimization that has an impact on millions of people and can open peoples eyes to the reality of stereotyping and judgement upon them. His point is to get across that people should not continue to blame others for their ancestors actions, rather mourn the past and move on with a rebirth of a society. Word count: 814 Figure 1. To the Unknown Painter, Anselm Kiefer. 1983. Dem unbekannten Maler. Oil, acrylic, emulsion, shellac, and straw on canvas. 208 x 380cm[5]. Bibliography Saltzman, Lisa. Anselm Kiefer And Art After Auschwitz. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1999. Arasse, Daniel. Anselm Kiefer. New York; Thames Hudson, 2015. [1] Lisa Saltzman. Anselm Kiefer And Art After Auschwitz. (Cambridge; Cambridge University Press, 1999), 68. [2] Ibid, 68. [3] Ibid, 69. [4] Daniel Arasse, Anselm Kiefer (New York; Thames Hudson, 2015), 70. [5] Ibid, 70.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Poverty and Obesity Epidemic Essay -- Poor, Obesity
In the United States, as of 2001, 34% of the population was overweight. (Townsend) Overweight and obesity would seem to be problems associated with the United State’s wealth and more than sufficient food supply. Much attention in recent years has been paid to people becoming more physically fit and changing their diets to become healthier. Gastric bypass surgery has become a popular choice for people trying to overcome extreme obesity. The operation limits â€Å"food intake by creating a narrow passage from the upper part of the stomach into the larger lower part, reducing the amount of food the stomach can hold and slowing the passage of food through the stomach.†(NIDDK) The presence of this emphasis on health and nutrition would seem to be the solution to our nation’s obesity problem. However of the population with moderate food insecurity, 52% were overweight. (Townsend) Food insecurity exists when the availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or the ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways is limited or uncertain. Over half of the United State’s population with a threat of hunger is overweight. Why would obesity be more prevalent amongst this group of people with fewer resources? Dieting and surgery do not address the problems of the economic groups with the most severe weight and nutrition problems. Surgery is expensive, and people with limited resources are not likely to buy expensive health foods when there are cheaper alternatives that satisfy hunger. The â€Å"Dollar Menu†at McDonald’s is certainly less expensive than preparing a wellbalanced meal. Another reason for obesity in lower income groups is a theory called the â€Å"food stamp cycle†hypothesis. Food stamps and most paych... ...urity and Obesity in Rural Women Task Force for the Bishops’ Initiative on Children and Poverty. Community with Children and the Poor. Nashville, Tennessee: Cokesbury, 2003. Townsend, Marilyn S., Janet Peerson, Bradley Love, cheryl Achterberg, and Suzanne P. Murphy (2001). â€Å"Food Insecurity is Positively Related to Overweight in Women.†Journal of Nutrition, 131, 1738-1745. The American Society for Nutritional Sciences. U.S. Conference of Mayors – Seduxho USA. Hunger and Homelessness Survey 2004. 3-5,42 Report2004.pdf Weil, Andrew. Eating Well for Optimum Health. New York: Random House, 2000. Willet, Walter C. Eat Drink and Be Healthy. New york: Simon & Schuster, 2001.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Night of the Scorpion Essay
The father of post Independence Indian English verse, Nissim Ezekiel, was a Mumbai born, Indian – Jewish poet, playwright, editor and art-critic. His works are an important part of Indian literary history. His major themes are love, loneliness, creativity and human foibles. Via his works, he satirized evil practices, superstitions and ignorance of the Indian people, as he has in this poem. He made Indian English poetry digestible for the common man. He wanted simplicity of thought and language in modern poetry. He was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award for his poetry collection – â€Å"Latter-Day Psalms.†This poem, Night of the Scorpion, is one of his most famous poems. It has been written in ‘free verse’ which means that it is highly irregular in terms of line length and does not follow any rhyming pattern. The ‘Night of the Scorpion’ captures a scene in a rural Indian village where being bitten by a scorpion was a common fear. The narrator is a young child witnessing a horrific event in his life- his own mother writhing in agony of a scorpion’s sting. Along with the anguish of the family members, the poet describes the concern for the mother by the villagers. The child describes the scorpion as the Devil Himself by using adjectives like ‘diabolic’ and also refers to it as the metaphorical ‘Evil One’. However, the poet also says that the scorpion had been forced to â€Å"crawl beneath a sack of rice†by the torrential rain and later had to â€Å"risk the rain again†. This shows a subtle feeling of pity underlying the fact that the scorpion was the Devil Incarnate. Imagery is one of the main literary devices used in this poem. â€Å"With candles and lanterns Throwing giant scorpion shadows On the sun-baked walls†This aids us to visualize the scene of Villagers searching for the scorpion outside the cottage in the steady downpour amidst the sun-baked huts. In most rural Indian villages, the entire village is like a community. Each family shares in each other’s joys and sorrows. This is evident since the poet uses the line â€Å"the peasants came like swarms of flies.†As a hyperbole, this line shows their immense numbers. It also shows that the people were more of a hindrance than a help like a ‘swarm of flies’. It also shows how, in close-knit communities, all news spreads like wildfire. The fruitless passing of time is also shown by the line, â€Å"More candles, more lanterns, more neighbours, More insects and the endless rain.†Another aspect of rural society, unfortunately, is their belief in baseless superstitions and beliefs. Having being denied proper education facilities, they remain unaware of the truth. These uneducated villagers are clueless about proper medication. In an effort to help, they pray to god to paralyze the scorpion so that, as their superstition states, the poison would also be paralyzed in the mother’s blood. The villagers also believe in the Karma philosophy. This philosophy was born in India and in certain cultures it is intertwined with the concept of reincarnation, or life after death. The villagers chant, â€Å"May the sins of you previous birth Be burned away tonight†And, â€Å"May the poison purify your flesh Of desire and your spirit of ambition†Thus, they imply that the mother’s desires and ambitions are the sins that she is paying for. Finally, the mother’s ordeal comes to an end. In a display of mother’s unconditional love, the poem ends with the mother saying, â€Å"Thank god the scorpion picked on me and spared my childrenâ€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Hewelett Packard Case Wiac
Human Resource management| HP Case| WAC Submission| | Submitted By: Syed Ahad GardeziM. Awais IbrahimSyed Ammar HassanZaid Rahman ShamsiMBA II29-Nov-12| Lahore School of Economics Submitted to: Prof. F. A. Fareedy Company Background: HP products were mainly electronic test and measuring instruments for engineers and scientist. Since then HP has added computers, calculators, medical electronic equipment and many more products. HP had 57000 employees worldwide and there were 20 manufacturing locations spread across the United States and 8 others around the world.Company’s objectives were first put in writing in 1957. Product Strategy: The prevailing importance is on R&D to products that will compete by new technical contribution rather than through marketing or to the competitive devices. The product strategy reflects the external modification, technical contribution and basic design or purposes of the instruments were not altered. HP’s focus was on technical contribution and short run profits rather than improving long term growth. Organization: The fundamental business unit at HP is the product division.The division is an incorporated self-sustaining organization with a great deal of independence. No product area is a division until it contains the six basic functions of R&D, manufacturing, marketing, quality assurance finance and personnel. At the end of 1980 there were 40 HP divisions. Coordination of divisions’ activities is the responsibility of 10 product groups. Financial Element: The financial reporting system also provides special statements to view each division’s success in worldwide management of its product line. Each ivision is measured along two dimensions: 1) The financial results of the actual manufacturing of products in the divisions. 2) The total worldwide activity in the divisions’ product line’s whenever they are manufactures. Capital allocations are negotiated during the yearly budgeting process al though divisions are expected to be self-sustaining over any time period. Human Resource Elements: Hiring is done by normal interviewing processes. Testing is rare and then limited to specialized skills tests mostly pertinent to a position.The confrontation with the problem growth in 1973 also led to the expansion of training in the values and methods of HP. Executive seminars were increased and a new series of courses started for supervisors on managing at HP. The course is offered for the employees and it was taught by the local personnel staff and by at least by one lone manager. The routine tasks of employees are carried by a comprehensive system of management by objective (MBO). By introducing this system HP thought that each group or division to operate as a completely separate business. So that divisions have freedom of choice in their operations.The perception of the entire team about the success of HP is the communication at each level of division which is due to trust, tea m work and openness. HP used a variety of techniques to encourage an ongoing dialogues with its. One way it tries to do this is by an open door policy. Supervisor was there to promote the employees and helped them in to seek any advice. The career was given a specific name at HP that was â€Å"career maze†. â€Å"This phrase acknowledges the normalcy of cross functional, cross divisional, and lateral moves that often occur over the course of career at HP. The performance appraisal and salary administration process also expose individual employees to many managers around the company. The performance components were predominant in the line with HP and moreover pay positions of the employees closely related to the performance. Problems Loss of Human Capital One issue that HP faces is the loss of human capital. The company is not very good in retaining its most important resource and is facing problems in this regard. The workforce of HP is so competent and all the employees are very proficient when they were hired that they only needed just a little bit of xperience and learning to touch the heights of success. HP spends too much of its resources and time to train these employees in such a way that they could make big decisions and right decisions on their own without any difficulties and hesitation. All this learning and experience make them capable of doing their own business and make them self sufficient. These employees then no longer want to stay in the company but want to grow by starting their own new ventures. Loss of these employees may not affect the company in short run but it will be very costly for HP in the long run. Doubtful Career of EmployeesAnother rather minor but an important issue in the company is that employees are not aware about when they will be promoted and where they could be working in the company for their next assignment. So there is so much ambiguity about the career of the employees due to which they cannot plan about thei r career. And when they are not sure about their career and could not plan much for it, they might get de- motivated which is again not a very good sign for the company. De-motivated employees cannot work on their full potential and efficiency and the loss is then beard by the company.Complex Organization Culture Thirdly the organizational culture of HP is varied and cannot be understood very easily and quickly. One of the reasons is that it is not very well defined by the company. Goals, objectives and strategies are very well communicated to the employees but then they are set free to choose whichever path they want to choose for accomplishing the tasks. Employees can give their input and suggestions to their supervisors about their jobs and also they can have flexible hours.Participative management style is used by the company but at the same time the case also discusses how new employees get confused when they were communicated the objectives of the company only and then theyâ⠂¬â„¢ll have to choose themselves how to achieve them by doing what? This is why most of them asked about what are they going to do about these objectives and what exactly was their jobs? Informal Environment The company has formalized procedures but they did not focus too much on following them. In fact, the president himself said that we don’t focus much n the ‘way’ but the only thing in which they are concerned with is the completion of tasks and achievement of deadlines. Despite having the formal procedures the company is using informal procedures and given employees full freedom so that innovation may continuously take place in the company. But on the same time it is a growing company with lots of potential. Currently it has fifty seven thousand employees which are expected to increase so such an informal and flexible culture would never sustain in a growing environment. Recommendations: Hp is a huge organization with about 57000 employees all together.The c ompany’s culture has been working fine for the employees who get involved in it and with time, they do become a part of it. In its culture, employees were given freedom of how to complete their tasks in a given time along with some set of procedures they had to comply with. This culture has been followed since the company’s long history and has proven to be successful and an edge over the other companies. To keep up with this culture and also to make new comers feel comfortable and see themselves as adjustable to it, we think that here, the role of the senior employees comes into part.The seniors have to be more compliant, more welcoming and help the new employees feel that now they are a part of it. Another problem we see in the case is a flaw in the Human Resource Department’s plan. As mentioned in the case that employees left the company in an effort to start their own ventures and when they failed with it and wanted to join Hp again, they were welcomed in th e company. First of all, there shouldn’t be employees who leave the company. Reasons for this should be identified and taken into notice.A reason mentioned in the case is that there were no defined career paths for the employees which could be a major reason for employees in leaving Hp. This matter should be resolved by proper succession planning and giving a defined path to the employees so that they get to know what position in the firm they might be aiming for in future. Secondly, the employees who wanted to rejoin Hp must not be welcomed to rejoin. This would create a norm within the employees of leaving and coming back whenever they wish to.If they have this idea in mind that it is safe to leave their job at any point in time and if they come back they’ll be accepted, they would work half-heartedly for Hp and not perform as they are capable of. So, we recommend that a fair of job security should be there in the employees before they decide to leave the firm. With a proper succession plan, the posts of the employees who leave should be filled instantly and the post would be no longer available for that employee who left. This way, the employees would think twice before leaving the firm and then make their final decision.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Morphemes in English, Definition and Example
Free Morphemes in English, Definition and Example A free morpheme is a morpheme (or word element) that can stand alone as a word. It is also called an unbound morpheme or a free-standing morpheme. A free morpheme is the opposite of a bound morpheme, a word element that cannot stand alone as a word. Many words in English consist of a single free morpheme. For example, each word in the following sentence is a distinct morpheme: I need to go now, but you can stay. Put another way, none of the nine words in that sentence can be divided into smaller parts that are also meaningful. There are two basic kinds of free morphemes: content words and function words. Examples and Observations A simple word consists of a single morpheme, and so is a free morpheme, a morpheme with the potential for independent occurrence. In The farmer kills the duckling the free morphemes are the, farm, kill and duck. It is important to notice here that (in this sentence) not all of these free morphemes are words in the sense of minimal free formsfarm and duck are cases in point. (William McGregor, Linguistics: An Introduction. Continuum, 2009) Free Morphemes and Bound Morphemes A word like house or dog is called a free morpheme because it can occur in isolation and cannot be divided into smaller meaning units...The word composed of two morphemes, one bound and one free. The word quick is the free morpheme and carries the basic meaning of the word. The est makes the word a superlative and is a bound morpheme because it cannot stand alone and be meaningful. (Donald G. Ellis, From Language to Communication. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1999) Two Basic Types of Free Morphemes Morphemes can be divided into two general classes. Free morphemes are those which can stand alone as words of a language, whereas bound morphemes must be attached to other morphemes. Most roots in English are free morphemes (for example, dog, syntax, and to), although there are a few cases of roots (like -gruntle as in disgruntle) that must be combined with another bound morpheme in order to surface as an acceptable lexical item... Free morphemes can be further subdivided into content words and function words. Content words, as their name suggests, carry most of the content of a sentence. Function words generally perform some kind of grammatical role, carrying little meaning of their own. One circumstance in which the distinction between function words and content words is useful is when one is inclined to keep wordiness to a minimum; for example, when drafting a telegram, where every word costs money. In such a circumstance, one tends to leave out most of the function words (like to, that, and, there, some, and but), concentrating instead on content words to convey the gist of the message. (Steven Weisler and Slavoljub P. Milekic, Theory of Language. MIT Press, 1999)
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Midddle East Crisis
Foreign Policy: Middle East Crisis The United States have been deeply involved in the Middle East for over fifty years (CQ 4). During these years there have been many situations that have needed United States intervention, yet many actions that the U.S has felt that involvement was necessary and acted upon, the actions were not needed. The U.S faced consequences when acting like the â€Å"Big Boss†in the Middle East, and some of the consequences were avoidable. When the U.S did get involved, some of their actions taken were executed with tunnel-vision, not thinking about what long-term or even short-term effects could possibly happen. The malice that came out at the end greatly outweighed that of the other choices that were on the table. Some of the actions were taken with the future of the American economy in mind; some were taken predicting the absolute worst that could happen and felt they needed to stop â€Å"evil†(Hurewitz 58), some for political reasons, but mostly all the actions were taken to b enefit the United States in one way or another (CQ 39). The U.S has fully been pro-Israel, and they were blinded to the other nations in the Middle East that also need support (Hadawi 19). The U.S led themselves into a trap, one that might be unforgivable. There has been an eye full of hate cast over the west, mainly the United States, by most Arab countries. What did the U.S do to deserve this? What could they have done to avoid all of this? The answer to these questions lies in the flaws and open-endedness of their Foreign Policy. Their policy has many blemishes (CQ 77), often times contradicting itself, like their relationship with Israel, funding them and arming them, and trying to create peace in the Middle East between Israel and it neighbors (Miller & Mylroine 32). These are two goals that cannot be pursued simultaneously because in order to create peace, why create, or help out a war machine as well. America’s image of h... Free Essays on Midddle East Crisis Free Essays on Midddle East Crisis Foreign Policy: Middle East Crisis The United States have been deeply involved in the Middle East for over fifty years (CQ 4). During these years there have been many situations that have needed United States intervention, yet many actions that the U.S has felt that involvement was necessary and acted upon, the actions were not needed. The U.S faced consequences when acting like the â€Å"Big Boss†in the Middle East, and some of the consequences were avoidable. When the U.S did get involved, some of their actions taken were executed with tunnel-vision, not thinking about what long-term or even short-term effects could possibly happen. The malice that came out at the end greatly outweighed that of the other choices that were on the table. Some of the actions were taken with the future of the American economy in mind; some were taken predicting the absolute worst that could happen and felt they needed to stop â€Å"evil†(Hurewitz 58), some for political reasons, but mostly all the actions were taken to b enefit the United States in one way or another (CQ 39). The U.S has fully been pro-Israel, and they were blinded to the other nations in the Middle East that also need support (Hadawi 19). The U.S led themselves into a trap, one that might be unforgivable. There has been an eye full of hate cast over the west, mainly the United States, by most Arab countries. What did the U.S do to deserve this? What could they have done to avoid all of this? The answer to these questions lies in the flaws and open-endedness of their Foreign Policy. Their policy has many blemishes (CQ 77), often times contradicting itself, like their relationship with Israel, funding them and arming them, and trying to create peace in the Middle East between Israel and it neighbors (Miller & Mylroine 32). These are two goals that cannot be pursued simultaneously because in order to create peace, why create, or help out a war machine as well. America’s image of h...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
African American Press Essay Example for Free (#2)
African American Press Essay ? ?â€Å"We wish to plead our own cause. Too long have others spoken for us. Too long has the public been deceived by misrepresentation of things which concerns us dearly,†written on the front page of the first African-American owned newspaper, Freedom’s Journal. Freedom’s Journal was published on March 16, 1827 by a group of free African-American men in New York City. Freedom’s Journal was published the same year slavery was abolished in New York and was used to counter racist commentary published in the mainstream press. Cornish and John B. Russwurm served, respectively, as its senior and junior editors where they worked together to publish four-page, four-column weekly newspapers. Though The Freedom’s Journal was not the first African-American paper published, it was the first Africa-American owned newspaper. Freedom’s Journal consisted of news on current events, anecdotes, editorials and used to address contemporary issues such as denouncing slavery, advocating for black people’s political rights, the right to vote, and speaking out about lynching. Cornish and Russwurm desire were to give African-Americans the freedom to voice their thoughts, ideas and opinions. They sought to improve conditions for more than 300,000 newly freed men and women living in the North. They fulfilled this desire, by employing 14 to 44 agents each year to collect subscriptions. Each agent was paid $3 a year for their work. To encourage black achievements Freedom’s Journal featured biographies of celebrated black figures and continued to promote better living conditions by printing schools that were open to blacks, job offering and housing listings. Freedom’s Journal, eventually, circulated 11 states, the District of Columbia, Haiti, Europe and Canada before ceasing publications in 1829. During that time, Russwurm became the sole editor of Freedom’s Journal, after Cornish resigned in 1827. Russwurm began to promote the Colonization Movement which was frowned upon by majority of the newspaper’s readers. The Colonization Movement was a movement that was conceived by members of the American Colonization Colony where they began repatriating free African-Americans back to Africa. When the Freedom’s Journal shifted in complete support of colonization, it lost most of its readers and in March 1829 Freedom’s Journal ceased publication. Even though Freedom’s Journal existed for two years, its two years of existence helped spawn other papers. Since then, African American press has evolved and has substantially increased in the population over the years. After Freedom’s Journal, African-Americans had begun establishing and owning newspapers. It began May 1829, when Cornish attempted to revive the Freedom’s Journal under the name The Rights of All, however, the publication was not successful and failed after a year. David Walker, hired as an agent for Freedom’s Journal, became a well known, anti-slavery writer which was inspired by his experience with Freedom’s Journal. In 1830, Walker’s published his most famous publication known as Appeal which called for slaves to rebel against their masters, â€Å"†¦they want us for their slaves, and think nothing of murdering us†¦therefore, if there is an attempt made by us, kill or be killed†¦and believe this, that it is no more harm for you to kill a man who is trying to kill you, than it is for you to take a drink of water when thirsty,†(Walker). Another attempt at publication, Samuel Cornish, along with, Philip Bell, and Charles Bennett Ray launched The Weekly Advocate, January 1837. Later, the men changed the name to The Colored American March 4, 1837. The Colored American main purpose was to strengthen the moral, social, and political elevation of colored people as well as emancipation of slaves. The Colored American became well-known in the North because of the wide spread support of abolitionists, African-American churches and local abolition societies, and Caucasian allies. The Colored American published 38 articles, becoming an important paper of its time. The last edition of The Colored American was published on Christmas day in 1841. Other early African American newspapers include the Provincial Freeman, published in 1854, which was the first African-American owned newspapers to be published in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. The North Star was an anti-slavery newspaper published in 1847 by Frederick Douglas. He later agreed to merge it with the publication Liberty Party Paper with Gerrit Smith creating the Frederick Douglass’ Paper, in Rochester, New York. The National Era was published in Washington, D. C. in 1847 by the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. The Liberator was probably the best-known publication during the era, published by William Lloyd Garrison in Boston between 1831 and 1865. Other anti-slavery newspapers of note include the Friend of Man, published weekly for the New York State Anti-Slavery Society from 1836 through 1842. The Emancipator, originally known as Genius of Universal Emancipation, was one of the first anti-slavery newspapers published in the United States by Benjamin Lundy in 1819 and National. Anti-Slavery Standard established in 1840. All of these newspapers advocated for the abolition of slavery and for the civil rights of all African Americans. By the start of Civil War, more than 40 black-owned and operated papers had been established throughout the United States. After the end of the Civil War, more than 100 newspapers were beginning to publish. Many of the major African-American owned publications include, Baltimore Afro-American, also known as The Afro, was founded by a former slave, John H. Murphy, SR. , in 1892. Today, The Afro is the longest-running African-American, family-owned newspaper in the United States. The Chicago Defender was founded by Robert Sengstacke. Abbott on May 5, 1905. The Chicago Defender included writing pieces from the well-known Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks and Willard Motley. The Pittsburgh Courier an African-American newspaper published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1910. The Pittsburgh Courier became the most widely circulated newspaper in America for African-Americans. During its peak, the Pittsburgh Courier circulated around 450,000 publications, with more than 400 employees in 14 cities. The Pittsburgh Courier discussed major issues impacting African-American communities. It campaigned against segregation and poverty, and promoted the social advancement of blacks. In the 1930s, the Pittsburgh Courier urged Black voters to vote Democrat, creating a political alliance that still exist to this day. Other publications includes, The Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001), Atlanta Daily World (1931–2003), Cleveland Call & Post (1934-1991), Los Angeles Sentinel (1934–2005), New York Amsterdam News (1922–1993), and Norfolk Journal and Guide (1921-2003). With African-American newspaper publication on the rise, organizations to help promote the publication began to form to support African-American journalist. In 1940, Robert Sengstacke Abbott, founder of Chicago Defender, along with other African-American publishers, organized the National Negro Publishers Association. The members of the National Negro Publishers Association worked together, â€Å"harmonizing our energies in a common purpose for the benefit of Negro journalism†, (Sengstacke). Today, the National Negro Publishers Associations is composed of more than 200 black newspapers in the United States and the Virgin Islands. In 1975 in Washington D. C. , 44 African-American journalists founded the National Association of Black Journalists. The National Association of Black Journalist’ purpose was to provide quality programs and services to and advocate on behalf of black journalists. These organizations are still going strong today and have contributed greatly to the African American population. Today, there isn’t a firm count of how many African American newspapers circulating the United States, however, according to Allied Media Corporation, an ethnic marketing firm, they have listed 250 newspapers in circulation. The National Newspaper Publishers Association, better known as the Black Press of America, assist in the publication of African-American owned newspapers, counts more than 200 black-owned newspapers as its membership. As you can see, since the Freedom’s Journal, the number of newspaper publications has increased. It began with the main purpose being that Africa-Americans would stick together to fight the constant oppression they were under. Now that we don’t see African-American oppression, as we did then, publications has different focal points. Many of the newspapers provide news and insight on African-American culture, including a variety of perspectives from leaders, celebrities, trendsetters and great minds from the African-American community. The Freedom’s Journal created a new stepping stone for the African-American population. It provided the platform for issues and concerns pursuant to ensuring our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and to preserve a legacy of black conservatism for generations to come. References 2, M. A. (n. d. ). Early African American and Anti-Slavery Newspapers | Marjory Allen Perez. Genealogy & Family History | Search Family Trees & Vital Records . Retrieved August 1, 2013, from http://www. archives. com/experts/perez-marjory/early-african-american-and-anti-slavery-newspapers. html Black Newspapers Listing | The Network Journal. (n. d. ). Black Business | Black News, Career Ideas for Black Professionals. Retrieved August 1, 2013, from http://www. tnj. com/lists-resources/black-newspapers-listing David Walker, 1785-1830. Walker’s Appeal, in Four Articles; Together with a Preamble, to the Coloured Citizens of the World, but in Particular, and Very Expressly. African American Press. (2016, Dec 21).
Friday, October 18, 2019
Introdution to business and economy of China Essay
Introdution to business and economy of China - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to identify the financial and banking reforms in China. Furthermore, the essay will also analyze whether or not these reforms have enhanced and transformed the economic sustainability and the overall economic performance of China. According to Ash et al., (2013), China has remained for many years as one of the fastest growing economies in the world (, 2014). However, the background to the economy of China is totally conflicting. The financial sector of China was completely dependent of its banking sector while the banking sector was under serious threats as it was under debts and was facing challenges (Garnaut, 2013; Liao et al., 2013). If the speed and scale of the transformation that China has gone through is observed, then it certainly has no historical match. According to a survey conducted in 1978, China was among one of the poorest countries in the world as its per capita GDP was 1/40th compared to the United States (Das, 2012; Naughton, 2007). Zhu (2012) stated that since China was not doing very well economically and was left far behind in the economic world, therefore, it had to come up with strategies and reforms that may enable its entire economic system to enhance the overall operations. By 1976, many Chinese leaders agreed to the idea that reforms in the field of finance and banking are essential as they will boost up the economy (Lin, 2012). The Chinese leaders were looking for ideas and solution to counter the serious issue of economic instability and challenges that were faced by the country. To counter these issues, the financial and banking reforms were introduced in 1978 (Das, 2012; Cai, 2010). Naughton (2007) has discussed that, before the introduction of the financial and banking reforms, Chinese economy went through major issues and faced numerous obstacles. It was only during the 1930’s that the economy of
Chech the pic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Chech the pic - Essay Example The metal has been carefully shaped in the form of a horse’s body. The center of interest of the art is the body and torso that clearly resemble a horse. The ring of metal at its neck also presents the straps of leather and rope used to provide support to the horse rider. The scale of the art also presents a relation of the sculpture to visual arts. Its size resembles that of a mature horse. As a result, the scale offers the audience with a better view of the sculpture unlike in other small-scaled sculptures. Additionally, the balancing aspect has also been adopted in Deborahs artwork. The Balance has been emphasized where it has provided the composition with a stable structure that can stand on its own. Elements of the design have been emphasized on the sculpture including the space occupied, texture, and harmony among others. Her sculpture presents a smooth surface despite the perception that her artwork is m from scrap materials. The harmony is also emphasized due to its composition of similar units. Unity has also been emphasized on the artwork to the constituency of material used in the sculpture. The materials have been strategically places to present a unified artwork. A division of the artwork will change the entire perception of her work. Deborah Butterfields work has been recognized with various art conferences and awards. Notably, most of her works include the use of junk or scrap that is readily available to make her sculptures. She has mostly been known for making sculptures from pieces of wood and metal that she started from the early 1980s. Deborahs works have been recognized due to the application of different aspects of visual arts and film. Delilah has used different color themes in her artwork that could express different moods. The visual effects make different impressions to the observing eye. The hand in the artwork could symbolize a normal human hand that is used in hard work and
Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Entrepreneurship - Essay Example As a fast growing company that cares for the environment, Greenenergy has received many awards and recognition in the UK and other markets. Greenenergy started supplying low sulphur fuels to reduce on air pollution in all markets. However, the company shifted from low sulphur fuels to bio fuels to address the growing concern of global climatic change. Greenenergy has grown rapidly to be a leading supplier of fuel in the UK. The company supplies about 10 billion litres fuels including petrol, bio fuels and diesel. This is more than 25% of all road fuel that is supplied in Britain (Greenenergy 2012). Greenenergy’s main customers include supermarkets and oil companies. These are the major retailers of road fuels. Fleet users are major customers for diesel. Although Greenenergy supplies large amounts of road fuels, it does not own any petrol stations but supplies fuels to its customers in bulk. Greenenergy’s objective is to expand its operation by offering high quality prod ucts at low prices to its customers. This strategy has worked to attract new customers and retain existing customers. Consequently, Greenenergy’s market share has been expanding since its establishment. The company evaluates its supply chains to increase their efficiency and cut costs. Consequently, Greenenergy can sell its products at low prices without compromising on quality. ... Some of the factors that influence a new venture’s success include the time spent in the business, amount of start-up capital, risk management strategies, and government policies. The characteristics of the entrepreneur have significant influence on business success. The level of ambition and experience of the entrepreneur will determine their persistence in new markets. Experienced entrepreneurs are likely to last longer in the market and achieve significant levels of success (Gelderen, Thurik & Bosma 2003, p.319). This implies that an entrepreneur plays a significant role in the growth and sustainability of a new business in the market especially in risk management. The approach that an entrepreneur uses to launch their business will depend on the amount of information, experience and skill that the entrepreneur possesses. Gilbert and Erying (2010, p. 92) indicate that successful entrepreneurs have the capacity to analyse risks involved in a new venture. Successful entrepren eurs identify and eliminate risks systematically. Ignoring risks could lead to losses in a business and sometimes an entrepreneur is forced to exit the industry. Thus, systematic elimination of risks enables entrepreneurs to tackle risks in the right order with the right methods and resources. Every entrepreneur must recognise that risks are different and have different effects on a business’s growth process. A wrong approach to eliminating risks may lead to the failure of a new business venture. This implies that the level of success for any new venture depends on the capacity of the entrepreneur to deal with all the risks involved correctly. Effective risk
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Discrimination in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Discrimination in the Workplace - Essay Example These needs should make all employees feel as if they are their own managers or bosses. In addition, an efficient job design in criminal justice agencies should provide employees with a prospect to learn different things in the job setting. It should also attract help and respect from colleagues, increase meaning in an employee’s work, and promote a future that is desirable (Allen, 1993). Job design in criminal justice agencies should take into consideration the Americans with Disabilities Act provisions in creating accommodations that are reasonable to employees who are disabled. The Americans with Disabilities Act is established to safeguard the disabled people’s civil rights. The protection is the same to that which protects individuals of different ethnic backgrounds, religions, and races. Criminal justice agencies should have a job design that incorporates the Americans with Disabilities Act so that all employees with disabilities can wholesomely access and partici pate fully in every societal event. Job design in criminal justice agencies should be made in a way that eliminates any barrier that may refuse disabled persons equivalent chance and job access, telecommunications, organization’s services, and transportation (Allen, 1993). The Americans with Disabilities Act constitutes five distinct parts. The first part is related to employment. The job design in criminal justice agencies should incorporate the employment part of the Americans with Disabilities Act when making their employments. This part forbids any form of employment discrimination against people who are disabled and qualified. Part two is concerned with public services. Criminal justice agencies should design their activities, services, or programs in a nondiscriminatory manner. For example, transportation services in any justice agency should take into consideration all employees including those who are disabled. The agencies should eliminate communications and architec tural obstacles in a new construction or any ongoing one (Colker & Milani, 2005). For instance, their offices and buildings should be manageable to disabled people and those who use wheelchairs. Part three comprises commercial facilities and public accommodations. A criminal agency should permit their disabled employees to get involved in the services and products provision. Their office buildings and public accommodation places should be easily accessible to people who are disabled. Part four constitutes telecommunications. The agencies should corporate with phone companies to provide relay services for people with speech and hearing impairments. The fifth part of the Americans with Disabilities Act comprises miscellaneous, technical and legal specifications. This should direct the criminal justice agencies the guidelines to provide equal or sufficient rights protection to all disabled persons (Colker & Milani, 2005). Nonetheless, accommodations that are reasonable should be adopte d unless they are expensive or of significant difficulty. Question 2 George Lane and other disabled individuals sued Tennessee for not accessing the top floors of Tennessee state courthouses. They argued that they were not allowed to enter the building because of their disabilities. Tennessee violated the second part of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This part is concerned with public services. In addition, this part of the Americans with Disabilities Act permits people who are victimized to sue for damages. On the other hand,
Capitalism is a force for social progress. Discuss. (Use listed Essay
Capitalism is a force for social progress. Discuss. (Use listed sources only) - Essay Example Social progress refers to improvement of the societies’ economic, social, and political structures. This can happen because of human action through social activism or as a social enterprise or as a natural part of the sociocultural evolution. Improvement in the living standards, industrialization, technological advancements are among the components of social progress. Developed countries have become richer as the years go by. Unfortunately, the social progress, which has always been the objective of social thinkers since 19th and 20th century, has eluded. The social bargain that the employees and the members of their families enjoyed the prosperity through their commitment to economic growth at mid-century has not been maintained. In America, for instance, the top 5% gain over 21% of the household income, while the bottom 5 received below 4% between them. In Britain, the difference between the rich and the poor has been greater since 19th century. The middle class families with the dream of achieving a stable career option have been directly affected by job insecurity. Similarly, the price of failure has been on the rising trend. Since 1970, the high school graduands are the first to experience low standard of living that the welfare provision for the unemployed have been stripped away. If the prospects of property are not brought by economic gro wth, the material pathway to human happiness rings hollow in the uncertainty face. There is only a smaller proportion of the society that can insulate themselves from the risk that affects other members of the society. This is not similar to majority of individual that operate within the middle wage bracket. The group stands to earn more so that they can cushion themselves from the increasing trend of survival cost. According to Friedrich Hegel, the strengths that strengthen the great nations in
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Entrepreneurship - Essay Example As a fast growing company that cares for the environment, Greenenergy has received many awards and recognition in the UK and other markets. Greenenergy started supplying low sulphur fuels to reduce on air pollution in all markets. However, the company shifted from low sulphur fuels to bio fuels to address the growing concern of global climatic change. Greenenergy has grown rapidly to be a leading supplier of fuel in the UK. The company supplies about 10 billion litres fuels including petrol, bio fuels and diesel. This is more than 25% of all road fuel that is supplied in Britain (Greenenergy 2012). Greenenergy’s main customers include supermarkets and oil companies. These are the major retailers of road fuels. Fleet users are major customers for diesel. Although Greenenergy supplies large amounts of road fuels, it does not own any petrol stations but supplies fuels to its customers in bulk. Greenenergy’s objective is to expand its operation by offering high quality prod ucts at low prices to its customers. This strategy has worked to attract new customers and retain existing customers. Consequently, Greenenergy’s market share has been expanding since its establishment. The company evaluates its supply chains to increase their efficiency and cut costs. Consequently, Greenenergy can sell its products at low prices without compromising on quality. ... Some of the factors that influence a new venture’s success include the time spent in the business, amount of start-up capital, risk management strategies, and government policies. The characteristics of the entrepreneur have significant influence on business success. The level of ambition and experience of the entrepreneur will determine their persistence in new markets. Experienced entrepreneurs are likely to last longer in the market and achieve significant levels of success (Gelderen, Thurik & Bosma 2003, p.319). This implies that an entrepreneur plays a significant role in the growth and sustainability of a new business in the market especially in risk management. The approach that an entrepreneur uses to launch their business will depend on the amount of information, experience and skill that the entrepreneur possesses. Gilbert and Erying (2010, p. 92) indicate that successful entrepreneurs have the capacity to analyse risks involved in a new venture. Successful entrepren eurs identify and eliminate risks systematically. Ignoring risks could lead to losses in a business and sometimes an entrepreneur is forced to exit the industry. Thus, systematic elimination of risks enables entrepreneurs to tackle risks in the right order with the right methods and resources. Every entrepreneur must recognise that risks are different and have different effects on a business’s growth process. A wrong approach to eliminating risks may lead to the failure of a new business venture. This implies that the level of success for any new venture depends on the capacity of the entrepreneur to deal with all the risks involved correctly. Effective risk
Capitalism is a force for social progress. Discuss. (Use listed Essay
Capitalism is a force for social progress. Discuss. (Use listed sources only) - Essay Example Social progress refers to improvement of the societies’ economic, social, and political structures. This can happen because of human action through social activism or as a social enterprise or as a natural part of the sociocultural evolution. Improvement in the living standards, industrialization, technological advancements are among the components of social progress. Developed countries have become richer as the years go by. Unfortunately, the social progress, which has always been the objective of social thinkers since 19th and 20th century, has eluded. The social bargain that the employees and the members of their families enjoyed the prosperity through their commitment to economic growth at mid-century has not been maintained. In America, for instance, the top 5% gain over 21% of the household income, while the bottom 5 received below 4% between them. In Britain, the difference between the rich and the poor has been greater since 19th century. The middle class families with the dream of achieving a stable career option have been directly affected by job insecurity. Similarly, the price of failure has been on the rising trend. Since 1970, the high school graduands are the first to experience low standard of living that the welfare provision for the unemployed have been stripped away. If the prospects of property are not brought by economic gro wth, the material pathway to human happiness rings hollow in the uncertainty face. There is only a smaller proportion of the society that can insulate themselves from the risk that affects other members of the society. This is not similar to majority of individual that operate within the middle wage bracket. The group stands to earn more so that they can cushion themselves from the increasing trend of survival cost. According to Friedrich Hegel, the strengths that strengthen the great nations in
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Role of the International Court and Tribunals in Relation to Armed Conflict Essay Example for Free
Role of the International Court and Tribunals in Relation to Armed Conflict Essay Introduction            The volatility and persistence of armed conflicts around the world has caused the convention amongst states which aims to lessen the harm that it brought forth. The research then aimed to identify the international laws and conventions that were created in order to lessen the evils of armed conflicts. In addition, the research aimed to identify the international court and tribunals that were created in response to the said conventions and laws. A few number of cases were also presented in order to understand more the applications of international laws and consequently the workings of the international court. The research will be identifying how these laws and courts are able to protect the rights of soldiers, prisoners of wars and civilians. Background of the Study Factors Leading to Conflict            The historian AJP Taylor has described that wars are very much volatile as there are no standard systems in order to predict how one will occur. [1] Corollary with this, various psychologists have significantly related human nature in terms on the frequency of armed conflict. EFM Durban and John Bowlby have argued that man is inherently violent. Such a claim is in accordance with Hobbe’s claim that on the state of nature man is in the state of war; hence claiming that man basically has the thirst for power and dominance, while consequently actualizing such in a violent manner. Durban and Bowlby claimed that although such a violence that man experiences is repressed in a conventional society, the creation of an outlet in order to occasionally express such a violent nature is inevitable. This argument could be significantly related on how certain individuals such as for instance Hitler has displaced his hatred against the Jews.  Such is in relation to the claim why certain individuals shift their grievances to certain ethnic groups, nations or ideologies.[2] The Geneva Conventions            The Geneva Conventions of 1949 contains four separate treatises which primarily focus on protecting soldiers from sufferings that may have been wounded, sick, shipwrecked or might be prisoners of wars (POWs). In addition, the protection of civilians and their property are also taken into focus on the said conventions.[3]   The humanitarian focus of the Geneva Conventions was further expanded through the 1977 Additional Protocols.[4]   On the other hand, the details of the use of the weapons of war and the use of biological weapons are not included in the said convention as the use of the former were specified by the Hague Conventions of 1889 and 1907.            The First Geneva Conventions on August 12, 1949 necessitates that soldiers who are out of battle (i.e. hors de combat) should be protected. The Article 12 claims that equal care should be given to all people regardless of sex, race, nationality, religion, political beliefs, etc. Article 15 claims that the sick and the wounded must be protected from pillage and ill treatment. The second Geneva Conventions on the other hand caters to those sick and wounded who are on the seas. The 63 provisions focus on the armed forces who are â€Å"wounded, sick and shipwrecked, hospital ships and medical personnel, and civilians who accompany the armed forces.†[5]   The third Geneva Conventions contains 143 articles which clearly defines how prisoners of war (POWs) should be treated. According to the American Red Cross, POWs should be â€Å"†¦treated humanely, adequately housed, and receive sufficient food, clothing, and medical care. Its provisions also establish guidelines on labor, discipline, recreation, and criminal trial†.[6] Specific provisions of the third Geneva Conventions which tackled these provisions are Arts. 70-72, 123, Arts. 13-14, 16, Arts. 25-27, 30, Art. 23, Art. 17, Arts. 50, 54, Arts. 82, 84, Arts. 109, 110, Art. 118, and Art. 125. The fourth Geneva Conventions then focuses on the protection of the civilians in times of armed conflict. The 159 articles of the said conventions emphasizes the need to have civilian lives’ maintained in a normal disposition and protect them on every means of evil. [7]            As a sum, the Geneva Conventions based its arguments on the basic rational that human dignity of all individuals must be of utmost importance regardless of any instance. Necessary ways must be done in order to prevent any kind of suffering of both the combatants who have suffered wounds or any type of sickness. In addition, the rights of the rights of the POWs are also taken into utmost detail, hence preventing any kind of torture and other types of human rights violations. In addition the protection of the civilians most specially the assurance of the living a normal and quality life that is free from danger and any type of evils are also emphasized.            The 1949 Geneva Conventions paved the way for the creation of a more detailed law that focuses more on the workings of armed conflict. The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) is a response to the demand of a more thorough legal perspective in terms of conducting armed conflicts. Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)            The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) stemmed out from customary practices of international law which required nations to comply with the set of laws that preside over the exercise of military operations in armed conflict. The acceptance of the international jurisdiction of the LOAC could be seen in the US Constitution which dubbed treaty obligations as the â€Å"supreme law of the land†, hence a part of the US law. Hence it could be implied that all individuals that are under the US law most particularly those militants who are engaged in armed conflicts are bounded by LOAC.[8] The DoDD 5100.77, DoD Law of War Program emphasizes the necessity amongst all military departments to create a program that ensures that LOAC will be observed. In addition with this, part of the treaty obligation of the US under the 1949 Geneva Conventions is the training of all military forces under LOAC and ensure that all weapons that will be used in armed conflict will be reviewed.[9] The nature of combatants are clearly defined in the LOAC. Lawful combatants are those individuals who are certified by any government authority to participate in armed conflict. In addition, a lawful combatant must be under the jurisdiction by an individual whose duty is to be responsible to his subordinates. Corollary with this, a permanent and unique emblem should be identified even in a distant such as uniforms. More importantly, a lawful combatant should be able to carry his arms obviously[10].            On the other hand, noncombatants are those people who are not certified by any government authority to engage in armed conflict. These individuals are clearly defined as civilians who are with the Armed Forces, soldiers who are out of combat i.e. POWs, wounded, medical personnel and chaplains.            In relation with this, unlawful combatants are those people who participate in armed conflict whom however are not authorized by any government authority to be such. For instance, bandits who steal from civilians are seen as unlawful combatants and may be viewed as targets that could be captured or killed. Also, unlawful combatants could also be put into trial because of violating international laws.[11]            Individuals who have undetermined status are those people which could not be categorized as a lawful combatant, noncombatant or an unlawful combatant. Undetermined individuals however are still viewed as under the protections of the Geneva Prisoner of War conventions until their status will be identified[12].            Military targets are also clearly defined in the LOAC. Such is relevant in order to limit the attacks to appropriate individuals. Military targets are defined are those individuals whose virtue of their own nature, location, purpose adds to an enemy’s capacity to engage in war. More importantly, the arrest and/or annihilation of these military targets are perceived to actualize the military objectives of the government.[13]            Regardless of the perceived goal of annihilation or capture of military targets, LOAC still takes into utmost focus the disposition of the civilian population. Attacks on places which are not justified by military necessity are against the LOAC. In addition, the attack on civilians in order to terrorize them is also against the international laws. However, LOAC considers that the civilian deaths or other related casualties could not be totally prevented in armed conflicts. Hence, the LOAC emphasizes that as much as possible, military objectives would seek to minimize such harms. LOAC emphasizes that losses on the part of the civilians must be in equal measure to the goals of the military. In relation with this, LOAC also has a provision against attacking objects that are dedicated to peaceful purposes. Medical units, vehicles for the wounded and the sick, hospital ships both for the civilian and the soldiers, safety zones as established by the Geneva Conventions, religious, cultural and charitable infrastructures, monuments and POW camps. Albeit, LOAC also made clear that if by any chance that these objects will be used for war purposes, such will not be subject to any immunity[14]. Problem Statement            Based on the laws set forth by the Geneva Conventions and the Laws of Armed Conflict (LOAC), the research seeks to identify what are the international tribunals and courts that are created in order to resolve the conflicts which stemmed during and/or after a particular war. In addition, the research seeks to know what are the roles that these tribunals and courts played in relation to resolving conflicts and various types of injustices.            International Court and Tribunals are created either to solve general conflicts and criminal cases or specific criminal cases of a particular country. These courts and tribunals are operational based on the laws, conventions and scope agreed upon and must be able to dispense justice in all possible cases. However, issues emerge as how international courts and tribunals handle, resolve conflicts and spend their budget. Objectives of the Study            The research aimed to: Identify the laws that were created that led to the proper and just exercise of international armed conflict. Identify various international court and tribunals that resulted due to the enactment of these laws. Identify the roles of the said tribunals and court in the exercise of justice. Identify the issues that these tribunals and court currently face. Significance of the Study            The research is relevant in order to increase the awareness of the researcher and his colleagues on the workings of international laws in terms of resolving armed conflicts. In addition, the identification of the international court and tribunals which stemmed out from these laws are also relevant not only for academic awareness and knowledge but also for a wider perspective of how armed conflict has affected various countries all over the world. Such will enable the researcher to know the quality of life of these people that could further aid him in participating in his own small way of minimizing the advent of various political leaders for war. Review of Related Literature            The research will be identifying the courts and tribunals which were created in order to resolve various conflicts and injustices that resulted because of armed conflicts. For the purpose of this paper, the research will be discussing the First Generation Tribunals i.e. Nuremberg Tribunal and the Tokyo Tribunal; the Second Generation Tribunals i.e. International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), and the International Criminal Court (ICC).         The role of these courts in relation to armed conflict will be identified, discussed through its principles and cases being resolved. In addition, the issues that envelope these international courts and tribunals will also be identified. First Generation Tribunals International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg (Nuremberg Tribunal)            The Nuremberg Tribunal was responsible for the trial and prosecution of the political, military and economic leaders of Nazi Germany. The said trial was made at the Nuremberg Palace of Justice on the city of Nuremberg Germany from 1945 to 1949. Two sets of trials were made. The first was the â€Å"Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal (IMT) which was held from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946 which comprises of the 24 most relevant leaders of the Nazis. On the other hand, the Control Council Law No. 10 at the US Military Tribunals (NMT) on the other hand was for the lesser war criminals which included doctors and judges[15].            The first principle of the Nuremberg Tribunal claims that an individual who commits a crime that is punishable under international laws should be apprehended and punished[16]. Consequently, the second principle states that if by any chance that the law does not provide a specific type of penalty for a particular crime, does not automatically relieve the accused of the said crime that he committed[17]. The third principle on the other hand, emphasizes that being a government leader such as a head of state etc does not automatically relieve an accused of his accountability to the alleged crime[18]. In relation with this, the notion of the existence of a moral choice was cited on Principle four and as per the Tribunal should be the guiding virtue to acts that were claimed to be done due to duress from a superior[19]. More importantly, the fifth principle made it clear that the accused must be subjected to a fair trial based on the laws and evidences that will be gathered[20]. The sixth principle then defines the set of crimes that are punishable under international law, these are: crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Crimes against peace were defined as the â€Å"planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances†and the â€Å"participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under†. [21] On the other hand, war crimes are seen as the â€Å"murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave-labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill treatment of prisoners of war, of persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity†[22]. Finally, crimes against humanity are characterized as â€Å"Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime†[23].            The principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal which are affirmed by the General Assembly are the first set of principles that were formulated in order to lessen the evils brought forth by armed conflict. The tribunal recognizes that equality of all men on the eyes of the law, as evident on the first and the third principles. In addition, the notion of impartiality and fairness are also made clear as one of the guiding principles of the tribunal in order to trial those who were accused. However, one of the criticisms against the Nuremberg Tribunal is with regard to the notion that its principles are made ex post facto or â€Å"after the fact†. Such means that the principles are made just after the Axis powers surrendered and the principles are not really adapted to any existing custom law.[24]  Critics of the Nuremberg Tribunal argue that what happens is more of a â€Å"Victor’s Justice†rather than a more impartial, neutral and just trial[25].  In relation with this, other criticism such as the accused were not allowed to appeal against the court or may also influence the selection of the judges[26].            Below is a table summarizing the decision of the tribunal on the major personalities of the Nazi Regime.[27] International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) (Tokyo Tribunal)            The International Military Tribunal for the Far East, also dubbed as the Tokyo Tribunal was created in response to the crimes committed by the leaders of the Japan Empire during the Second World War. The jurisdiction among people[28] is limited to the criminals of the Far Eastern who as members of an organization or as an individual have committed a crime that is against peace. The tribunal trialed the three types of crimes committed by Japanese leaders which are â€Å"Class A or crimes against peace, Class B or war crimes and Class C or crimes against humanity[29].  The first class of criminals is those Japanese who have waged a conspiracy in order to start the war and the other two types of criminals refer to those of the Nanking Massacre. The trials started on May 3, 1946 and were finished on November 12, 1948. The Nanking Massacre involves the thousand of deaths that resulted from the abuse of the Japanese forces. Civilians were buried alive while some become the targets of bayonet practice. In addition, some were shot in huge groups and were thrown into the Yangtze River. In addition with this, numerous women were raped, murdered and mutilated[30]. Japan has also conducted opium trafficking in China in order to weaken the latter from resisting[31]. The tribunal on Article 6 have made clear the responsibility of the accused, wherein it emphasizes that the accused official position or responsibility towards the government are not sufficient reasons in order to acquit him, unless proven so[32]. The Article 9 which states how the trial of the accused is to be conducted is somewhat similar to that of the Nuremberg Tribunal. Although Article 9 is leaning towards a fair trial for the accused, the provisions are only focusing on Indictment, Language, Counsel for Accused, Evidence for Defense, and Production of Evidence for the Defense. One could see that there are no such provisions saying that the accused is capable for an appeal or could have an influence for the selection of the judges[33]. Similarly, Article 16 describes the mode of penalty and punishment includes death or other penalties that are perceived by the tribunal to be just[34]. Second Generation Tribunals The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)            The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia or the ICTY was made on May 25 1993 by the Security Council Resolution 827 in order to trial the crimes that were made on the former Yugoslavia, more particularly on the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to protect international peace and security. ICTY is located at Hague Netherlands. [35]  The ICTY has already indicted 161 individuals who are responsible for the crimes against international and humanitarian law.[36] The conflicts that emerge on the former Yugoslavia shifted from Slovenia to Croatia and then to Bosnia which the later showed signs of genocide such as deportation and mass executions and concentration camps. In addition with this, sexual assaults and rape were also documented. In effect of this, on October 1992, the Security Council asked UN Secretary, Butros Butros Ghali to furnish an account of the violation of international humanitarian law in the former Yugoslavia[37]. The ICTY has four major objectives: first is to bring to justice the individuals who are accountable on the grave violations of international and humanitarian law, to dispense justice to those who are afflicted, to prevent such crimes to occur again, to do its part to restore peace and held responsible those individuals who committed such crimes of international law and humanitarian law[38]. The jurisdiction of the ICTY is limited only to individuals and not organizations and or groups, who were alleged to commit such crimes after the first of January, 1991.[39] The violations that are subject to ICTY’s jurisdiction are those violations coming from the Geneva conventions such as: â€Å"a) wilful killing; b) torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments; c) wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health; d) extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; e) compelling a prisoner of war or a civilian to serve in the forces of a hostile power; f) wilfully depriving a prisoner of war or a civilian of the rights of fair and regular trial; g) unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement of a civilian; h) taking civilians as hostages†[40] Also, Violations on the Laws or Customs of War are also included such as:        â€Å"a) use of poisonous weapons or other weapons calculated to cause unnecessary suffering; b) wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity; c) attack, or bombardment, by whatever means, of undefended towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings; d) seizure of, destruction or wilful damage done to institutions dedicated to religion, charity and education, the arts and sciences, historic monuments and works of art and science; e) plunder of public or private property.†[41]            Crimes against humanity which are normally done to the civilians of former Yugoslavia are also trialed. In addition with this, Genocide was also another crime that ICTY looked into.             The ICTY has also categorized into two types the criminal responsibilities of that were allegedly committed by every accused. The first type are those individuals who have a well structured plan and authority to exercise such crimes, while on the other hand, the second type of accused are those superiors who have their subordinates commit crimes which the former has no knowledge of; and / or the superiors who did not made any steps in order to punish the said subordinate who made such a crime.[42]            The ICTY also has Rules of Procedure and Evidence that were drafted and amended by its judges and provides the parameters of how proceedings in trials should undergo. The basic premise of these standards resides on the notion of fairness which establishes the innocence of the accused and the burden of proof should rest on the prosecution. More importantly, ICTY has made sure that all of the parties involved must have the capacity to present their cases and in such instances, the tribunal requires that the language of the accused will be used. The tribunal has also made clear that death penalty can not be imposed and that the parties both have the right to appeal.[43]            Corollary with this, the rules of the tribunal also provides the right for a public hearing. In addition, the right of the accused to analyze the evidences of the prosecution, present his own evidences and the right against self-incrimination is also an evidence of a fair treatment to the accused. Unlike the Nuremberg and the Tokyo tribunal, the ICTY provides a more balanced perspective in terms of dealing with armed conflict accused and criminals. In addition, the utmost relevance that is centered on the importance of the human life is also evident as death penalty is not an accepted form of punishment to those trialed as guilty of the said allegations[44]. International Criminal Court for Rwanda (ICTR)            The International Criminal Court for Rwanda (ICTR) was made on November 8, 1994 which is roughly 18 months after the ICTY was made. The Security Council adopted the resolution 955[45] in order to trial the human rights abuses that resulted the conflict of two major tribes in Rwanda that resulted to genocide[46] between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 1994. In addition with this, the neighboring states of Rwanda who have participated as well for the said genocide and other human rights violation were also subjected to the trials of the tribunal[47].   ICTR is located in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania[48].            The domestic conflict that emerge between the Hutu tribe which is the dominating tribe in Rwanda and the Tutsi Tribe which was the minority after the country’s decolonization in 1962.  The Hutus and the Tutsi’s conflict emerge primarily out of political reasons and not really of ethnic differences. Both of the tribes shared the same Roman Catholic faith and in times intermarried.[49]            In 1960, the Belgian government organized an election in response to the Tutsi’s demand for independence. However, a huge amount of the mayoral posts were given to the Hutus and in two years span, the Hutus have supplanted the Tutsis as the local elites. At such a span of time, there has been a wide documentation of reports claiming massacres of Tutsis which further led the latter to move to near by countries. After 15 years, the killings have abated and the Tutsi refugees who have returned organized a parliamentary forced known as Rwandan Patriotic Font (RPF) which later on signed peace conventions to Arusha Peace Accords which mandated the share of powers between the Hutus and the Tutsis[50].            The rare of how the Rwandan genocide have occurred was perceived to be so fast as around 1994 around 500,000 – 1,000,000 Tutsis has been killed while 10,000 to 100,000 Hutus were killed[51]. The laws adopted by the ICTR are governed by its statute which was based from the Security Council Resolution 955, wherein the Article 14 of the Statute serves as the foundation of the judicial framework of the tribunal.  The ICTR is primarily made of three organs which are the Chambers and the Appeals Chamber, the Office of the Prosecutor and the Registry[52].            The jurisdiction of the ICTR is under the parameters of â€Å"genocide, crimes against humanity†and â€Å"violations of Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and of Additional Protocol II†. In relation with this, the crimes which are to be trialed are those executed between 1 January and 31 December 1994. Those crimes to be included are those within Rwanda and in the territory of neighboring states which are significantly related to the alleged crimes[53].            However certain objections were made with regards to the laws set forth by the ICTR[54]. The first objection was against the decision regarding the jurisdiction on crimes limited to July 1994 rather than December 1994. Critics claimed that such is because of the tribunal’s preference to cover earlier crimes and suspend temporal jurisdiction to retribution crimes against Hutus that were made on December. The second objection was about the penalty that was accepted in Resolution 955 which was the highest form appears to be life imprisonment. Such a statute was objected due to the argument that the Rwandan Penal Code allows the execution of death penalty.  The stand on the preference of the possibility of death penalty to be given against the leaders of the mass killings is so much important to the victims. The third objection was with regard to the limitation of the crimes to be trialed as those of concerning genocide alone. In effect of this, the killings that the Tutsi’s made after July would not be categorized as under the ICTR jurisdiction. The fourth problem is with regard to the objection of the location of ICTR in Arusha stating that the â€Å"deterrent effect of the trial and the punishment will be lost if the trial and punishment will be lost if the trials were to be held hundreds of miles away from the scene of the crime†. [55] International Criminal Court (ICC)            The International Criminal Court was created on 2002 and is a permanent tribunal to trial cases and â€Å"crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression†as per Article 5 of its Statue.[56]   There have been a couple of appeals stating that crimes such as terrorism and drug trafficking must be included on the list of crimes that the court deals into. India has made a proposal to include the creation of the weapons of mass destruction, and nuclear weapons but such appeals to the court are defeated[57].  According to Article 11, the court only has jurisdiction after July 1, 2002 which was when the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court took effect. The ICC is the â€Å"court of last resort†and will only trial cases of national origin when proved to be based on a faulty reasoning.  ICC has jurisdiction over matters wherein the accused belongs to a territory or state party that is under the national or territory of a state party. After which Article 14 states that such a case will be referred by the United Nations to the ICC. Since the court is made to function in juxtaposition of various national courts, ICC can only make take over the on the trial of certain crimes that national courts are unwilling to look into  The Article 17 of the Statute claims that â€Å"(a) The case is being investigated or prosecuted by a State which has jurisdiction over it, unless the State is unwilling or unable genuinely to carry out the investigation or prosecution;    (b) The case has been investigated by a State which has jurisdiction over it and the State has decided not to prosecute the person concerned, unless the decision resulted from the unwillingness or inability of the State genuinely to prosecute; (c) The person concerned has already been tried for conduct which is the subject of the complaint (d)    The case is not of sufficient gravity to justify further action by the Court†[58]. Similar to the tribunals presented above, the ICC also does not excuse criminals who hold certain positions on the government office. As defined in Article 27 these individuals include â€Å"Head of State or Government, a member of a Government or parliament, an elected representative or a government†[59] In relation with this, Article 28 of the Statute claims that the superiors of those criminals are held responsible for the crimes committed by the latter.  The military commander are held liable in grounds of having or not having the foreknowledge of the criminal acts to be conducted and the failure of the commander to prevent or to report to other individuals of high position the perceived criminal acts to be executed. In relation with this, the military commander will be held responsible for the criminal acts of his subordinates, given the notion that the former did not properly exercise his control by disregarding the foreknowledge that he got, and also failure to exercise his power and control in order to prevent such acts.[60] The ICC as of April 2007 have a total of 41 countries signed the Roman Statute but a number of countries are still opposing on it. According to the Article 3 of the Statute, the official seat of the court is in Hague Netherlands; however, it may hold proceedings at almost any place[61]. The Effectiveness of International Courts and Tribunals            Barria and Roper provided an analysis on the effectiveness of the second generation international tribunals and also touching certain aspects of the effectiveness of international courts such as the ICC[62]. According to them, the assessment of the effectiveness of the ICTY and the ICTR are difficult to assess because they were established based on various rationales due to the argument that the Security Council perceived the said tribunals with a â€Å"multi-faceted mandate†[63]. Although it could be asserted that the basis for the creation of the ICTY and the ICTR are based on a specific statute such as the Resolution 955, it could be perceived that they have the two tribunals serve two different ends. The ICTR is perceived to maintain peace and order, make sure that violations against human rights and various killings will be stopped, and eventually leading on the process of national reconciliation[64]. As such, Barria and Roper argued that ICTR’s two main goals are closely similar to the ICTY, other than that the ICTR included on its mandate the task of reconciliation among the two opposing national forces.            On a closer analysis, the establishment of the ICTY and the ICTR does not necessarily provided an immediate deterrent effect on the nations and parties that are involved, however, such hopes on the deterrent nature of the court are still expected on the far future.            In addition, Barria and Roper criticized that international tribunals are not generally perceived as an avenue to maintain peace and order, however, newly established courts such as the ICC are perceived to have the capability of securing peace in the international community. Roberts, as cited in Barria and Roper have maintained that the ICTY and the ICTR are not really that successful in terms of maintaining peace and security[65]. More importantly, Shinoda as cited in Barria and Roper criticized the relationship of imposing justice on the notion of national peace and order. As such, Shinoda argued: â€Å"Does justice really contribute to peace? Should we reject unjust peace even in post-conflict regions?†[66] As such, Barria and Roper argued that ICTY was not able to establish peace and order on the former Yugoslavia as hostilities between Bosnian Serbs, Croats and Muslims still exist[67].            On the case of the ICTR, revenge killings on the part of the Tutsi tribes are still in effect, as there is no cooperation on the part of national forces within the state of Rwanda. As such, Barria and Roper argued that the success of the imposing of peace and order through the second generation tribunals will be only fully actualized if it gained support from the nations involved and the international society[68].            Another significant criticism that was raised regarding the role of international tribunals was that of Cobban wherein she asserts that international tribunals besides the argument that they failed to dispense justice have due process that are long and expensive. On the 25 indictments that the ICTR have done, more than $1 billion was the documented cost which makes every case cost around $40 million[69].  Conclusion International Court and Tribunals are created either to solve general conflicts and criminal cases or specific criminal cases of a particular country. These courts and tribunals are operational based on the laws, conventions and scope agreed upon and must be able to dispense justice in all possible cases. However, issues emerge as how international courts and tribunals handle, resolve conflicts and spend their budget. The research has identifying the courts and tribunals which were created in order to resolve various conflicts and injustices that resulted because of armed conflicts. The research has discussed the First Generation Tribunals i.e. Nuremberg Tribunal and the Tokyo Tribunal; the Second Generation Tribunals i.e. International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), and the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Nuremberg Tribunal was responsible for the trial and prosecution of the political, military and economic leaders of Nazi Germany. The said trial was made at the Nuremberg Palace of Justice on the city of Nuremberg Germany from 1945 to 1949. Two sets of trials were made. The first was the â€Å"Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal (IMT) which was held from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946 which comprises of the 24 most relevant leaders of the Nazis. On the other hand, the Control Council Law No. 10 at the US Military Tribunals (NMT) on the other hand was for the lesser war criminals which included doctors and judges The International Military Tribunal for the Far East, also dubbed as the Tokyo Tribunal was created in response to the crimes committed by the leaders of the Japan Empire during the Second World War. The jurisdiction among people is limited to the criminals of the Far Eastern who as members of an organization or as an individual have committed a crime that is against peace. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia or the ICTY was made on May 25 1993 by the Security Council Resolution 827 in order to trial the crimes that were made on the former Yugoslavia, more particularly on the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to protect international peace and security. ICTY is located at Hague Netherlands.   The ICTY has already indicted 161 individuals who are responsible for the crimes against international and humanitarian law The International Criminal Court for Rwanda (ICTR) was made on November 8, 1994 which is roughly 18 months after the ICTY was made. The Security Council adopted the resolution 955 in order to trial the human rights abuses that resulted the conflict of two major tribes in Rwanda that resulted to genocide between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 1994. In addition with this, the neighboring states of Rwanda who have participated as well for the said genocide and other human rights violation were also subjected to the trials of the tribunal .  ICTR is located in Arusha, United Republic of Tanzania . The International Criminal Court was created on 2002 and is a permanent tribunal to trial cases and â€Å"crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression†Barria and Roper provided an analysis on the effectiveness of the second generation international tribunals and also touching certain aspects of the effectiveness of international courts such as the ICC. According to them, the assessment of the effectiveness of the ICTY and the ICTR are difficult to assess because they were established based on various rationales due to the argument that the Security Council perceived the said tribunals with a â€Å"multi-faceted mandate. Another significant criticism that was raised regarding the role of international tribunals was that of Cobban wherein she asserts that international tribunals besides the argument that they failed to dispense justice have due process that are long and expensive. References American Red Cross â€Å"FACING FEAR/6-8/Lesson Plan 8/Facts About Terrorism and War†(2001). American Red Cross, â€Å"1949 Geneva Conventions† 9003e636b/fe20 c3d903ce27e3c125641e004a9 2f3 accessed 19 April 2007.  Avalon Project at Yale School, â€Å"International Military Tribunal for the Far East, (Article 5)† accessed 20 April 2007. Barria L and Ropper S, â€Å"How Effective are International Criminal Tribunals? An Assessment of the ICTY and the ICTR, The International Journal of Human Rights September 2005, Vol. 9, No. 3, 349–368. Biddis M, â€Å"Victor’s Justice? The Nuremberg Tribunal†, History Today (1995). â€Å"Causes of War†, accessed on 18 April 2007. Cobban H , â€Å"International Courts†, Foreign Policy (2006) 22-28. Dilip Lahiri, 17 July 1998. Explanation of vote on the adoption of the Statute of the International Criminal Court. Embassy of India, Washington, D.C. Global Policy, â€Å"Tribunal Laws Made Simple†, accessed 20 April 2007. International Criminal Court. â€Å"About the Court†,, accessed on 20 April 2007 Microsoft Encarta, â€Å"War Crimes Trial†, Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005 PICT-PCTI, â€Å"International Military Tribunal for the Former Yugoslvaia†, accessed 20 April 2007. Powers Rod, â€Å"Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)†(Guide to US Military) accessed 19 April 2007. Puja K, â€Å"Global Civil Society Remakes History:â€Å"The Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal 2000†, Duke University, positions 9:3 Winter 2001, 611-618. â€Å"The Tokyo War Crimes Trial†, 20 April 2007. United Nations, â€Å"General Information†, accessed 20 April 2007. United Nations. â€Å"Key Figures of ICTY Cases†, e/index.htm accessed 20 April 2007. United Nations, â€Å"General Information†, accessed 20 April 2007. United Nations, â€Å"International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda†, icty accessed 20 April 2007. United Nations, â€Å"PART 2. JURISDICTION, ADMISSIBILITY AND APPLICABLE LAW† accessed 20 April 2007. United Nations, PART 3. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF CRIMINAL LAW, Article 27†, accessed 20 April 2007. United Nations, â€Å"Part 1 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COURT, Article 3†, accessed 20 April 2007. [1] â€Å"Causes of War†, accessed on 18 April 2007. [2] Ibid. [3] American Red Cross, â€Å"1949 Geneva Conventions† 9003e636b/fe20 c3d903ce27e3c125641e004a9 2f3 accessed 19 April 2007. [4] American Red Cross â€Å"FACING FEAR/6-8/Lesson Plan 8/Facts About Terrorism and War†(2001). [5] Ibid. [6] Ibid on page 3. [7] Ibid. [8] Powers Rod, â€Å"Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)†(Guide to US Military) accessed 19 April 2007. [9] Ibid. [10] Ibid. [11] Ibid. [12] Ibid. [13] Ibid. [14] Ibid. [15] Microsoft Encarta, â€Å"War Crimes Trial†, Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2005. [16] Ibid. [17] Ibid. [18] Ibid. [19] Ibid. [20] Ibid. [21] Ibid. [22] Ibid. [23] Ibid. [24] Biddis M, â€Å"Victor’s Justice? The Nuremberg Tribunal†, History Today (1995). [25] Ibid. [26] Ibid. [27] Table taken from: Biddis M, â€Å"Victor’s Justice? The Nuremberg Tribunal†, History Today (1995). [28] Avalon Project at Yale School, â€Å"International Military Tribunal for the Far East, (Article 5)† accessed 20 April 2007. [29] Puja K, â€Å"Global Civil Society Remakes History:â€Å"The Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal 2000†, Duke University, positions 9:3 Winter 2001, 611-618. [30] â€Å"The Tokyo War Crimes Trial†, 20 April 2007. [31] Ibid. [32] Avalon Project at Yale School, â€Å"International Military Tribunal for the Far East, (Article 6)† accessed 20 April 2007 [33] Ibid on Article 9. [34] Ibid on Article 16. [35] United Nations, â€Å"General Information†, accessed 20 April 2007. [36] United Nations. â€Å"Key Figures of ICTY Cases†, accessed 20 April 2007. [37] PICT-PCTI, â€Å"International Military Tribunal for the Former Yugoslvaia†, accessed 20 April 2007. [38] [38] United Nations, â€Å"General Information†, accessed 20 April 2007. [39] Global Policy, â€Å"Tribunal Laws Made Simple†,  accessed 20 April 2007. [40] Ibid. [41] Ibid. [42] Ibid. [43] Ibid [44] Ibid. [45] United Nations, â€Å"International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda†, icty accessed 20 April 2007. [46] Barria L and Ropper S, â€Å"How Effective are International Criminal Tribunals? An Assessment of the ICTY and the ICTR, The International Journal of Human Rights September 2005, Vol. 9, No. 3, 349–368. [47] United Nations, â€Å"General Information†, accessed 20 April 2007. [48] Ibid. [49] Barria L and Ropper S, â€Å"How Effective are International Criminal Tribunals? An Assessment of the ICTY and the ICTR, The International Journal of Human Rights September 2005, Vol. 9, No. 3, 349–368 [50] Ibid. [51] Ibid.
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